SaveThatCall.com: Save existing voicemail messages. Record …
SaveThatCall is a dial-in audio recording service offering MP3 and WAV downloads. Try it for free and pay only for the recordings you want to keep. No surprises or hidden fees. Call your voicemail to play back and save existing voicemail messages for permanent safekeeping! Call others and transparently record conversations in high quality.
Call Recorder - Save & Listen - Apps on Google Play
2024年10月8日 · Call Recorder: Save & Listen is here! Just enter the number you want to call and press the “Call & Save” button. When you start your phone calls, we will call the system number for...
Record important phone call with TapeACall. With crystal-clear call recording technology, TapeACall is the most reliable call recorder on the market. Upload recordings to Dropbox, Evernote, and Google Drive. Share recordings via email, SMS, Facebook, and Twitter. NEW: Record Zoom conference calls on mobile.
为什么要区分caller saved和callee saved registers? - 知乎
caller save 意思其实是这片寄存器不建议 caller 使用,一旦 caller 使用了就记得保存在 stack 上,用完再复原; 同理 callee save; 理论上所有的都 caller save 也是可以愉快地运行,但是这样做的话 stack 使用会很频繁,memory 的代价是比寄存器高很多的,所以得不偿失。
How can I save recorded calls? - CallApp
Learn how to save your call recordings (manualy or automatically) when using our call recorder, so your calls are saved upon every call.
Record and transcribe a call on iPhone - Apple Support
Go to the Phone app on your iPhone. Make a call. Both call participants hear an audio notice that the call is being recorded. To stop recording, tap or just hang up. To see the call in the Notes app, tap View Saved Call. Go to the Notes app on your iPhone. Select a note in the Call Recordings folder, then tap .
Best Call Recorder App for Android | Cube Call Recorder ACR
Cube ACR app is a smart call recorder for Android. Capture phone calls, record WhatsApp calls, use a Viber call recorder, or apply for Telegram, Skype, Line, WeChat, other VoIP services.
Caller-saved register and Callee-saved register - CSDN博客
2019年11月19日 · Caller-saved register (又名易失性寄存器AKA volatile registers, or call-clobbered)用于保存不需要在各个调用之间保留的临时数据。 因此,如果要在过程调用后恢复该值,则调用方有责任将这些寄存器压入堆栈或将其复制到其他位置。 不过,让调用销毁这些寄存器中的临时值是正常的。 从被调用方的角度来看,您的函数可以自由覆盖(也就是破坏)这些寄存器,而无需保存/恢复。 Or you have to understand that "caller-saved" means "saved somehow …
How can you save the call and complete the task after finishing a call …
In HubSpot, after finishing a call with a prospect, users can save the call and complete the associated task by selecting the option to "Hang up and save call." This action allows users to save any call notes or details captured during the conversation and automatically logs the call activity in the prospect's record within the platform.
ICT solutions | Savecall
Savecall mediates provider-neutral expert solutions for IT and telecommunications. Whether leased lines, site networking, managed services, computing center outsourcing through to Hosted PBX, we are the right contact for you! Durch die weitere Nutzung der Seite stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu.