Save IUP's D2L Support Team (Brian and Nancy) - Change.org
Brian Carothers and Nancy Evans are IUP’s sole D2L and Moodle experts and instructional designers. Both of them were recently informed that they would be terminated effective February 4, 2022. This petition is intended to save Brian and Nancy’s positions at IUP. Brian has been with IUP for 20 years and Nancy for 22 years.
IUP Alumni Community - IUP Alumni
We encourage alumni and friends to ENGAGE in the life of the university by serving as university ambassadors and attending numerous events, programs and volunteer opportunities offered by the university and the IUP Alumni Association.
Save IUP Library Books and Reference Materials - Change.org
Approximately 43.08% of IUP’s library books are going to be purged from the shelves without being replaced by newer additions or contemporary material. If students wish to access copies of the books lost, they will have to seek them out online or through interlibrary loan.
iuplua 简易记事本开发 - CSDN博客
2020年12月25日 · item_save = iup.item{title="保存 \tCtrl+S",image="IUP_FileSave"}, . item_saveas = iup.item{title="另存为... \tCtrl+Shift+S"}, . item_revert = iup.item{title="恢复"}, . menu_recentFiles = iup.menu{}, -- 最近打开文件 . item_exit = iup.item{title="退出"}, . item_cut = iup.item{title="剪切 \tCtrl+X"}, . item_copy = iup.item{title="复制 \tCtrl+C"}, .
Find classes offered at IUP with no sign-in needed. Sign in to MyIUP to register for class, check your grades, see your financial aid, find upcoming events, and more. Former students and …
Microsoft OneDrive - IUP
Use OneDrive to sync files across devices in the cloud. OneDrive is Microsoft's cloud-based file synchronization service. It is similar in features to Google Drive or Apple iCloud Drive. OneDrive works on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. All IUP students and employees have access to 500 GB of cloud storage.
Save the Date: “Shaping Tomorrow: Detailing IUP’s Future,” Jan. 28
2024年12月17日 · Through facilitated breakout sessions, speakers, and presentations, participants can brainstorm, offer suggestions, and discuss the key steps needed to solidify the direction IUP will travel in the near future amid difficult times for higher education.
IUP still $10 million in the hole, looking for more ways to reduce ...
2024年2月1日 · In the short-term, IUP is looking to reduce the costs of its third-party contracts and to implement other cost saving measures which are estimated to save the university $500,000 annually. In addition, the university is striving to decrease its campus footprint and slow down overall spending.
IUP-IM - IUP - Portable User Interface Documentation
Functions to load and save an IupImage from file using the IM library. The function can load or save the formats: BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, PNM, PCX, ICO and others.
GitHub - LuaDist/iup-examples: Examples for IUP. IUP is a …
About Examples for IUP. IUP is a portable toolkit for building graphical user interfaces.