SAW Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCSO) have been used for many years in telecommunications, military, and commercial applications requiring low phase noise and jitter at fundamental frequencies up to 1000 MHz. They have flown in space, on aircraft, on missiles, and have been a key component in modern telecommunications systems.
SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) Oscillator VCO - synergymwave.com
Synergy's SAW oscillators features excellent phase noise, small size surface mount and lead free REL-PRO ® patented technology. We can also customize this VCOs according to your specific requirements.
SAW Voltage-controlled Oscillators - Microwave Journal
2002年9月1日 · Voltage-controlled surface acoustic wave (SAW) oscillators (VCSO) have been used for many years in both commercial and military applications. The low phase noise allows frequency multiplication to higher frequencies for use as sources, such as local oscillators in radar and other microwave systems.
浅谈压控 SAW 振荡器 (VCSO) 基础 - 百家号
2023年1月5日 · SAW 压控振荡器 (VCSO) 多年来一直用于要求在高达 1000 MHz 的基频下具有低相位噪声和抖动的电信、军事和商业应用。 它们已经在太空、飞机、导弹上飞行,并且一直是现代电信系统的关键组成部分。 SAW 延迟线的相位与频率的关系非常线性,从而为 VCSO 提供非常线性和可重复的调谐特性。 在许多应用中,VCSO 用于锁相环 (PLL) 以将 VCSO 锁定到稳定的低频参考、衰减参考抖动或跟踪或过滤参考调制。 在许多这些应用中,线性调谐特性至关重要。 …
SAW based CLOCK and VCSO - Crystek
Crystek > SAW Oscillators. SAW based clock oscillators: Part Number Frequency (MHz) Package Supply (VDC) Output Stability ppm (°C) E/D Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) Info Req Spec Buy Online; CCS575S. Ultra Low Phase Noise; 315.000 to 1000.000: 5.0 x 7.5 mm SMD: 3.30 5.00: SINEWAVE: ±150 (-20 to 70) NONE-113: TYP @ 1: kHz-137: TYP @ 10: kHz-151: TYP ...
SAW滤波器对发射信号EVM的影响分析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在接入SAW 滤波器时,由于SAW与 PA 输入阻抗阻抗匹配的非理想,导致SAW输出信号的能量被反射回一部分打到VCO上,产生VCO Pulling。 VCO是产生本振信号的,而本振信号对EVM的影响非常大,当反射信号导致产生VCO Pulling时, EVM当然就会变差。
Radar-Focused Voltage-Controlled SAW Oscillators Feature Ultra …
2024年12月17日 · Addressing the need for specialized VCOs, Microchip Technology introduced the 101765-320-A family of oven-stabilized, voltage-controlled SAW oscillators (dubbed VCSOs) designed to deliver ultra...
Kassutronics: VCO part 2: waveshaping - Blogger
2016年2月8日 · This post shows the waveshaping to convert the saw-tooth output from the oscillator core to triangle, sine and square/pulse waves. The pulse and triangle wave circuits are taken almost directly from Yusynth, but the sine shaper is different.
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators (VCXO) & Voltage Controlled SAW ...
Our Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators (VCXOs) and Voltage Controlled SAW Oscillators (VCSOs) provide industry leading low phase noise solutions over a wide range of frequencies. The high reliability range is certified to meet MIL standards and designed for space, defence, avionics, and instrumentation.
SAW振荡器 - PX-702 - Vectron International - 电子 / SMD / VCO
Vectron 在以下技术领域的垂直整合确保了设计和制造最先进的高温频率控制产品的能力: • BAW & SAW 设计与制造,以生产高质量的谐振器。 • 射频振荡器电路设计。