Saxony Ducks - The Ultimate Saxony Breed Guide
2022年8月16日 · Saxony ducks are a great choice for those looking to raise ducks for meat. While they don’t grow quite as large as some of the other meat breeds, they more than make up for it in taste. Plus, they have the added benefit of being relatively easy to care for.
Saxony duck - Wikipedia
The Saxony (German: Sachsenente) is a German breed of domestic duck. It was bred in Saxony in the 1930s, but because of the Second World War was recognised only in 1957.
Saxony Ducks: Complete Breed Guide - Fowl Guide
Saxony ducks have smooth, rounded chests and slightly arched-forward necks that give them a regal-looking carriage. Both genders have the typical yellow-orange beaks and legs and feet. The Saxony duck, although standard in size, is considered very beautiful for its unique coloring. It only comes in one variety.
Saxony Ducks: Photos & Breed Information - Poultry Keeper
2015年1月20日 · Breed photos and information for Saxony Ducks, a heavy breed of duck that originated in Germany. Good for the table and attractive to look at.
Saxony Ducks: What You Need to Know From a Breeder
2024年2月9日 · Thinking about getting ducks for your backyard or homestead? Consider the rare and beautiful Saxony duck breed, which lays up to 240 eggs annually. The Saxony might be one of your best choices if you’re looking for a heritage dual-purpose duck. We breed this endangered duck and have hatched and raised numerous ducklings for meat and eggs.
Saxony Duck - The Livestock Conservancy
Saxony ducks are friendly and curious and can make good pets. Their feathers and down can be used for pillows. The drakes are not aggressive and are quieter than the ducks, who can be loud and easily aroused.
Saxony Duck: Origin, Characteristics, Uses - ROY'S FARM
2024年8月26日 · The Saxony duck is a large breed of domestic duck originating in the Saxony region of Germany in the 1930s. The breed was initially bred by Albert Franz of Chemnitz. He cross bred Blue Pomeranian, Rouen and German Pekin ducks for creating this breed.