测试表征系列丨小角X射线散射(SAXS)重要指南 - 知乎
小角X射线散射 (Small Angle X-ray Scattering, SAXS)是指当X射线照射到试样上,在靠近入射X光束周围2°~5°的小角度范围内发生的散射现象。 由于电磁波的散射遵循 反比定律 ——被照物体的有效尺寸相对于入射波越大,电磁波的散射角越小,因此SAXS的研究主体主要是数百至上千埃的亚微观结构物质(高聚物、蛋白质、溶胶凝胶、超细粉末、多孔碳等)。 总之,SAXS技术凭借其得天独厚的优势,已成为亚微观结构研究的主要工具之一。 图1 X射线与物质的相互作用. …
Data Analysis Primer | Small Angle X-ray Scattering/Diffraction
The pipeline program, SAXSPipe, undertakes data reduction from images to 2D SAXS curves (implementing the program, SASTOOL), initial analyses and brief inspections of your data. They are summarized in a HTML file which is easily viewable in any web browser.
A practical guide to small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) of flexible ...
2015年9月14日 · Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a biophysical method to study the overall shape and structural transitions of biological macromolecules in solution. SAXS provides low resolution information on the shape, conformation and assembly state of proteins, nucleic acids and various macromolecular complexes.
Basic data processing - Analyzing SAXS data - Université de …
When the data is plotted as a Kratky plot (right curve) (more on the Kratky analysis below), the effect is enhanced (note the green curve - over-subtracted - reaching large negative values at medium and high ).
thorough review of SAXS theory, read Structural Analysis by Small-Angle X-Ray and Neutron Scattering, by Demitri Svergun [3]. The purpose of this guide is to provide novice users with a complete, easy-to-follow, step by step tutorial of SAXS data processing. The focus will be on practice rather than theory. Each step will be
小角度X射线散射(SAXS)数据处理快速入门篇 (二) - 知乎
选择高斯分布(Gaussian size distribution)对数据进行拟合,其中包含三个主要参数为N、X0、以及s,分别表示散射对象的浓度、平均半径以及尺寸分布宽度。 拟合过程主要通过 小二乘优化 反复迭代的方式以得到数据的最优拟合结果。 简言之,就是通过调整参数以使拟合数据与原始数据相匹配。 如视频所示,(1)首先在低q区域对N进行拟合,(2)在中q区域对X0拟合,(3)在低于2/3q区域对N和X0进行拟合,而后重复以上步骤并通过相关参数评价拟合质量以完成拟合。 3. …
A beginner's guide to solution small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)
Biological small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS) allows one to study overall structures and structural transitions of many biological macromolecules in...
Questions that SAXS can address • What is the effective association state (is it a monomer, a dimer . . .) of a protein or other macromolecule in solution or within a membrane environment? • What is its shape or conformation (is it compact and …
Combining small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) with protein …
2023年1月1日 · SAXS data can be compared to protein structures in real or reciprocal space and is also called SAXS curves or SAXS profiles. Molecular envelopes can be calculated ab initio from experimental SAXS curves (Grant, 2018; Svergun et al., 2001).
Developments in small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) for …
2023年11月1日 · Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a powerful tool for comprehensively studying the structural features and dynamics of macromolecules under in-situ conditions at a size ranging from Angstroms to hundreds of nanometers with a time-resolve in milliseconds scale.