what does "say of" mean? - English Language Learners Stack …
2021年6月3日 · "Say of" is not an idiom as such, if that's what you mean by "written expression". As I've just explained, the words are actually being used in a perfectly standard way. But it is such a common combination of words that people might easily think …
What is the difference between 'that is to say' and 'which is to say'?
2021年5月14日 · They don't mean the same thing. Looking at that is to say, Cambridge english dictionary gives us: or more exactly. for That is to say. So you are specifying extra conditions on what you said before, that is to say you're further restricting the original meaning. Looking at which is to say, Merriam-Webster gives us. which means that. for "Which ...
expressions - “What say we [suggestion (verb phrase)]” - English ...
There is the slightly longer “whaddya say we [suggestion (verb phrase)]” which is an informal version of “what do you say we”. This is still not, strictly speaking, grammatical. But it seems akin to “what say you to [suggestion ( noun phrase)]”, such as the Shakespeare quotation offered in comment by AndrewLeach
How to punctuate an example indicated by "say"
As you say, the commas as you have them probably represent how the sentence would be typically spoken, given the convention of a comma representing a sentence-internal pause. But if you think it looks a bit comma-heavy, then you could use dashes instead of commas to delimit one of the interpolated clauses. For example:
Should I say "What's that mean" or "What does it mean"?
2020年5月8日 · We say that 's means "is" or "has" and forget that it can mean "does". Some answers and comments wrongly regard this usage as incorrect or as dialect. It is an informal usage but it is neither incorrect not dialectal.
grammaticality - Why do courts use "What say you?" - English …
What say you? == The expression can also be a slightly aggressive way to ask a question. In this context, "what say you?" means "what do you say in response?" Here's a couple of examples: You made your choice, but what say you to young people who struggle with that dilemma even as we speak? You've heard all the evidence. What say you to that? ==
I'm having a hard time understanding the idiom 'to say nothing of'
2022年7月10日 · "to say nothing of. Definition: (idiomatic) An apophasis used to mention another important, usually related, point: not taking into account, not to mention, without considering. Example: She had already eaten a large lunch, to say nothing of a full cooked breakfast that morning" I'm still confused about this idiom's meaning.
Difference and usage between "I dare say" and "dare I say it"
- This is a bit stronger version of I would say or I dare say, but still leave room for uncertainty If I think I'm sure, chances are I won't say I'd say, I dare say, or I say, because it's unnecessary. Swan also suggested this in his Practical English Usage, And I dare say (sometimes written I daresay) is used to mean 'I think probably', 'I ...
The meaning and the usage of the expression "Dare I say..."
2019年7月12日 · But "dare I say" and "I dare say" are two absolutely different concepts that I found it necessary to be considered separately. Meanwhile, @Damkerng T. mentioned that: Dare I say (it) mainly British spoken formal [**it is not clear that the statement is understood / used by Americans too.]
How do you say 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 in words?
2015年6月23日 · I'd say, at least in the U.S., most people will understand 'trillion' just fine, but I agree that saying "ten to the x" is better for numbers larger than the trillions. Trillions are used commonly when describing the size of the economy, the federal budget, the size of hard drives, or, for Obama's first few years, even the federal budget deficit.