Mahasi Sayadaw - Wikipedia
Mahāsī Sayādaw U Sobhana (Burmese: မဟာစည်ဆရာတော် ဦးသောဘန, pronounced [məhàsì sʰəjàdɔ̀ ʔú θɔ́bəna̰]; 29 July 1904 – 14 August 1982) was a Burmese Theravada Buddhist monk and meditation master who had a significant impact on the teaching of vipassanā (insight) meditation in the West and throughout Asia.
Sayadaw - Wikipedia
A sayadaw (Burmese: ဆရာတော်, IPA: [sʰəjàdɔ̀]; lit. 'royal teacher', and alternatively spelled hsayadaw, sayado, sayāḍo or sayāḍaw, Sanskrit : Śārada) is a Burmese Buddhist title used to reference the senior monk or abbot of a monastery. [1] .
西亞多 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
西亞多(緬甸語: ဆရာတော်, IPA: [sʰəjàdɔ̀] ,拉丁轉寫:hsayadaw, sayado, sayāḍo, sayāḍaw,或Sayadaw),又譯薩亞多,緬甸佛教頭銜,字面意義為“皇家教師”,佛教僧團中的資深長老或是寺院住持都可以被冠上這個稱號。這個稱號最早來自於擔任緬 ...
Ledi Sayadaw - Wikipedia
Ledi Sayadaw U Ñaṇadhaja (Burmese: လယ်တီဆရာတော် ဦးဉာဏဓဇ, pronounced [lɛ̀dì sʰəjàdɔ̀ ʔú ɲàna̰dəza̰]; 1 December 1846 – 27 June 1923 [1]) was an influential Theravada Buddhist monk. He was recognized from a young age as being developed in both the theory (Abhidhamma) and practice of Buddhism and so was revered as being scholarly. [2] .
马哈希西亚多 - 百度百科
马哈希尊者(Mahasi Sayadaw, U Sobhana Mahathera 1904-1982 。 按:「尊者」是对教授禅法的法师或长老比丘的称呼)对上座部佛教教义与内观禅法有深远的影响。 1904年他出生在上缅甸雪布的谢昆村(Seikkhun, Shwebo)。 六岁时开始在村里的一所寺院学习经教,十二岁时出家为沙弥,法名为梭巴纳(Sobhana,意思是具足优雅和庄严), 1923年11月26日,十九岁时受具足成为比丘。 在二十岁时(1923年)受具足戒。 由于他的聪颖过人与认真学法,紧接着三年,顺 …
雷迪尊者 - 百度百科
雷迪尊者(Ledi Sayadaw 1846-1923),是缅甸当代僧人中,德行、学养兼具的修行人,他的著作等身,多达七十六册,其中十六册是用巴利文撰写,其余为缅甸文。
Who Was Mahasi Sayadaw? - Lion's Roar
The teachings of the revolutionary Burmese teacher Mahasi Sayadaw influenced people throughout the world to take up Buddhist meditation and helped to revive the tradition in his own country. Born U Sobhana Mahathera in 1904 in Upper Burma, he became a monk as a youth and completed the traditional studies with notable diligence and skill.
Mahasi Sayadaw - America Burma Buddhist Association
Mahasi Sayadaw’s international reputation and standing in the field of Buddhist meditation has attracted numerous visitors and yogis from abroad, some seeking enlightenment for their religious problems and perplexities and others intent on practicing satipatthana vipassana meditation under the Sayadaw’s personal guidance and instructions ...
Sayadaw - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
A sayadaw (Burmese: ဆရာတော်, IPA: [sʰəjàdɔ̀]; lit. royal teacher and alternatively spelt hsayadaw, sayado, sayāḍo or sayāḍaw) is a Burmese Buddhist title used to reference the senior monk or abbot of a monastery. Some distinguished sayadaws would often be referred to as a sayadawgyi (ဆရာတော်ကြီး, as a sign of reverence.
Ledi Sayadaw - Buddho.org
2022年12月28日 · Ledi Sayadaw U Ñaṇadhaja (December 1, 1846 – June 27, 1923) was a highly influential Theravada Buddhist monk. He was recognized from an early age as being highly developed in both the theory and practice of Buddhism and was therefore revered as a scholar. Sayadaw began his studies at age 20 in Mandalay at Thanjaun.