Senate Bill (SB) 9 (Chapter 162, Statutes of 2021) requires ministerial approval of a housing development with no more than two primary units in a single-family zone, the subdivision of a …
Similar to previous state legislation on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), SB 9 is intended to support the availability of more modestly priced homes by encouraging building of smaller …
SB9 vs ADU Comparison - Senate Bill 9 San Diego Guide - SnapADU
2024年10月24日 · Learn about how lot splits and two unit development with SB9 compare to adding accessory dwelling units (ADUs), what are the key points of SB9, what is required to …
• Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit - A Junior ADU is a unit that is no more than 500 square feet in size and contained entirely within a single-family residence. A Junior ADU may include …
SB 9 (2025) - California YIMBY
2024年12月2日 · SB 9 (2025) clarifies that previous legislation exempting ADUs from owner-occupancy requirements applies to all ADUs, not just newly-built ones.
ADUs vs. SB 9: What’s the Difference? - Otto ADU
2022年11月9日 · Senate Bill 9 allows more freedom than ADUs in the following ways: SB 9 properties can be rented or sold, whereas ADUs can generally only be rented. Some cities …
ADU and SB 9 Development - City of Long Beach
Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) is a California housing law became effective on January 1, 2022, which complements state ADU law by enabling urban lot splits and two-unit development in existing …
“Accessory Dwelling Unit” (ADU) An attached or detached residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons and is located on a lot with an …
What is SB-9 and what can you build?
In this article you’ll learn the pros and cons of splitting your lot to build up to 4 units under SB-9 compared to building a granny house or an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), and the financial …
Can I have an ADU (or Junior ADU) in addition to having two units per SB9? No, SB9 allows for a maximum of two (2) units per property and ADU’s and Junior ADU’s count against the two unit …