California Senate Bill 9 (California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency [HOME] Act) (SB-9), effective January 1, 2022, mandates a local jurisdiction to ministerially approve a parcel map for an urban lot split in a single-family residential zone (i.e., RD-1 …
SB 9 contains eligibility criteria addressing environmental site constraints (e.g., wetlands, wildfire risk, etc.), anti-displacement measures for renters and low-income households, and the protection of historic structures and districts.
Senate Bill 9 (SB9) allows the development of two housing units and/or a lot split on eligible single-family zoned properties. A project may be eligible for the SB9 application process if it meets all of the eligibility criteria per Gov. Code §65852.21 and/or §66411.7 (as …
This form is intended for use with the State of alifornia’s Senate ill 9 (S 9) ministerial permitting procedures, which the City of Riverside is required to implement (California Government Code 65852.21 and 66411.7). This form is for approval of a Two-Unit Development and/or a Parcel Map for an Urban Lot Split as allowed by State law.
San Diego County - SB-9 Homepage
Please see our SB-9 Checklist, PDS-600 for complete requirements for properties located within the County of San Diego. The full text from Senate Bill 9 can be found by clicking here. Additionally, we have created an interactive SB-9 webpage that provides you with the filters and layers to determine if your property qualifies for SB-9 or not.
Senate Bill 9 | Los Angeles City Planning
Senate Bill 9 (SB 9), the Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act, is a California law that aims to increase housing supply across the State through streamlined measures that …
SB 9 Affidavit for Owner-Occupancy - California
SB 9 requires that an applicant utilizing the urban lot split provisions submit an affidavit stating that they "intend to occupy" one of the units constructed on one of the resulting lots for at least three years after the approval of the application for parcel map for urban lot split.
Senate Bill 9 - Santa Cruz County, California
SB9 Land Division Application (PLG-181): Use the SB9 Land Division Submittal Checklist to prepare your application; SB9 Property Disclosure Form (PLG-194) For Projects that Include Both Housing Development AND an SB9 Land Division
2022年3月1日 · P e r m i t A p p l i ca t i o n N o . : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P e r m i t A p p l i ca t i o n S u b m i t t a l D a t e
SB 9: The California HOME Act | Focus
SB 9 prevents profiteers from evicting or displacing tenants by excluding properties where a tenant has resided in the past three years. Establishes a maximum number of units. Recent amendments clarify that this bill would allow no more than four units on what is currently a single-family parcel. Preserves historic neighborhoods.