约 34,100 个结果
  1. Sbeitla - Wikipedia

    Sbeitla (Arabic: سبيطلة Sbaytlā ⓘ) is a small town in west-central Tunisia. Nearby are the Roman ruins of Sufetula, containing the best preserved Roman forum temples in Tunisia. It was the …

  2. Sbeitla - History and Facts | History Hit

    2020年11月24日 · Sbeitla in Tunisia was once a flourishing ancient city, the spectacular remains of which are among the best Roman ruins in the world. This startling site, also at times known …

  3. Sbeïtla - Information and travel guide Tunisia.com

    2014年12月1日 · Sbeitla’s history stretches back into Numidian times in the 1st millennium BCE. There is little we know about its history, except that it became a rich city due to the olives …

  4. Sbeitla - Madain Project (en)

    2024年11月25日 · Ancient Sbeitla (سبيطلة), Sufetula, or Subaytilah, was a prominent city in modern-day Tunisia, renowned for its strategic and economic importance in North Africa. It flourished …

  5. Sbeitla - Places to Visit in Tunisia with Mosaic North Africa

    Sbeitla is a city in north-central Tunisia. The archaeological site of Sbeitla, known as the Roman ruins of Sufetula, contains the best-preserved Roman forum temples in Tunisia and possibly …

  6. Sbeitla - Discover Tunisia

    Sbeitla is a small town in the central west region of Tunisia, 250km from Tunis. It is known for its remarkable Roman site and its Capitol, made up of not one but three temples, dedicated to …

  7. Sbeitla, Subaytilah - Tripadvisor

    All the way from Le Kef to Sbleita you´ll find a series of roman ruins, scattered in the Tunisian countryside. Sbleita was the biggest town. It´s hard to imagine what was this city, with …

  8. Visite du site archéologique de Sbeïtla - Destination Tunis

    Nouvelle plongée dans l’histoire tunisienne. Aujourd’hui, nous vous invitons à découvrir le magnifique site archéologique de Sbeïtla, au cœur du pays. L’occasion ainsi de vous …

  9. Sbeïtla, Tunisie - Voyage Tunisie

    Sbeïtla, anciennement connue sous le nom de Sufetula, est une ville du centre-ouest de la Tunisie, située dans le gouvernorat de Kasserine. Le site archéologique de Sbeïtla est connu …

  10. The archaeological site of Sbeitla : Your Ultimate Guide

    The archaeological site of Sbeitla is distinguished by its spectacular remains, which offer insight into the city's complex history and cultural milieu. Central to Sbeitla's architectural splendor is …

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