Sbrinz - Wikipedia
Sbrinz is a very hard cheese produced in Central Switzerland. It is often used as grated cheese in Swiss cuisine, although it is also eaten in small pieces. The cheese is produced in only 42 dairies in Central Switzerland. Only local cow's milk is used when producing this cheese. It is kept in the region until ready for consumption.
Sbrinz AOP - The finest cheese, lovingly handcrafted
Extra-crispy cheese chips made of 100% Sbrinz AOP – perfect for your next aperitif or simply as a tasty snack between meals. Available exclusively in Globus Delicatessa outlets. A cheese with character – Sbrinz is an extra-hard, full-fat cheese with 45% of fat in dry matter. It needs time to mature, a lot of time.
轮拿说奶酪 | 瑞士山地起司 Sbrinz 斯布林茨奶酪 - 知乎
2023年1月14日 · 斯布林茨奶酪(Sbrinz),是用生牛奶制作的特硬质奶酪,产自瑞士中部地区的皮拉图斯山区(Pilatus)及周边地区,它在2002年获得瑞士AOP(产地名称保护)认证, “Sbrinz”的名称来自意大利人对这种奶酪的叫法,在…
Sbrinz AOP - Switzerland Tourism
Sbrinz AOP is a spicy hard grating cheese that has been made in Central Switzerland for hundreds of years. 32 selected cheese dairies in the valleys and up on the summer pastures produce the cheese every day from the finest-quality raw milk, rennet and salt.
瑞士乾酪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
瑞士奶酪 (Swiss cheese)是一系列 乾酪 的总称,其中包括 埃文達芝士 、 格呂耶爾芝士 、 阿彭策爾芝士 、 拉克莱特奶酪 、 Tilsit cheese (英语:Tilsit cheese) 、 Sbrinz (英语:Sbrinz) 、 Tête de Moine (英语:Tête de Moine) 、 Schabziger (英语:Schabziger) 等多種起司。 其中最具代表性的埃文達芝士有着布满了圆孔独特的外观。 在美国Swiss cheese是一種總稱,因為某些北美起司與來自瑞士的埃文達乾酪類似,故以此得名。 在英国一般称之为 Emmental,專指 …
Sbrinz - Cheese.com
Sbrinz is an extra hard aromatic cheese made in Central Switzerland for hundreds of years. Since 2002, it has been awarded the AOP label, which makes it essential that the 32 selected valleys and mountain dairies producing this cheese comply with the strict quality requirements. It is a full-fat cheese containing 45% of fat.
Sbrinz AOP - Origin
Original, down-to earth, characterful, independent and distinctive – Sbrinz embodies all aspects of a high-quality cheese. A cheese that is as unique as its area of origin. Produced primarily in the Central Swiss cantons of Obwalden, Nidwalden, Lucerne …
Sbrinz AOP - Craftsmanship
Extra-crispy cheese chips made of 100% Sbrinz AOP – perfect for your next aperitif or simply as a tasty snack between meals. Available exclusively in Globus Delicatessa outlets.
Sbrinz AOP - Guffanti Formaggi, selezione e affinamento …
Sbrinz AOP The oldest Swiss extra-hard cheese has been produced in the central Swiss cantons for five centuries. As early as 1530, traders were transporting Sbrinz cheeses by mule from Brienz, via Meiringen and over the Grimsel and Gries passes, exchanging them for salt and wine.
Sbrinz — Wikipédia
Le sbrinz est un fromage suisse corsé à pâte dure au lait cru de vache, originaire de Suisse centrale et fort d’une tradition séculaire. Il bénéficie d'une appellation d'origine protégée (AOP) depuis le 24 avril 2002 .