SBTi-FI enables an FI to use GHG metrics to define rigorous, credible and meaningful portfolio decarbonization targets. TCFD recommendations support an FI to contextualize GHG metrics and targets within broader physical and transition risks considerations.
Finance sector: New guidance on science-based targets and TCFD ...
To promote credible, rigorous and holistic climate strategies, the SBTi has released the SBTi Finance Sector and TCFD Reporting Guidance. The new guidance provides banks, private equity firms, asset managers, owners and mortgage real estate investment trusts with actionable ways to harmonize science-based target setting with the preparation of ...
ESG白話文- 企業凈零減碳必懂關鍵氣候評比準則:TCFD、SBTi
2022年11月29日 · 科學基礎減碳目標倡議 (Science Based Targets initiative,SBTi)是由聯合國全球盟約 (UN Global Compact)、碳揭露專案 (CDP)、世界資源研究所 (World Resources Institute)及世界自然基金會 (World Wildlife...
【最新永續趨勢】GRI、SASB、TCFD、SBTi總是搞不清楚? 一張 …
2024年3月23日 · 針對SBTi「科學基礎減量目標倡議」目標設定,大致分為兩種方式進行減量: 行業脫碳法 (Sectoral Decarbonization Approach, SDA): 為了使該行業內「所有」企業,於2050年收斂至相同的排放強度。
倡議參與情形 - 台灣企業減碳行動資料庫
SBTi 成立: 2015年《巴黎協定》後,由 CDP、聯合國全球盟約 (UN Global Compact, UNGC)、世界資源研究所(World Resources Institute, WRI)、世界自然基金會(WWF) 共同發起「科學基礎碳目標倡議」(Science-based targets initiative, SBTi)的主要目標SBT。
Financial institutions - Science Based Targets Initiative
By using the SBTi’s current target-setting framework, financial institutions can set near-term science-based targets that align their investment and lending activities in line with climate science. Learn about our work to develop a Financial Institutions Net-Zero Standard. Why should financial institutions take action?
Connecting the SBTi with the TCFD - EcoAct
2018年4月30日 · SBT and TCFD are two acronyms that are here to stay. The new buzz words in sustainability, they are Science-based targets and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures respectively. Here we explore how these two growing initiatives are connected and what this means in practical terms for businesses and investors.
The New SBTi Financial Sector and TCFD Reporting Guidance
2023年2月6日 · The new Science-based Target Initiative (SBTi) Financial Sector and TCFD reporting guidance provides a clear answer with practical actions for private equity firms, asset managers, asset owners, and banks to harmonise SBT setting with climate-related risk and opportunity disclosures and transition plans.
金融机构设立科学碳目标: 从承诺到行动 | WRI China
註2: 科學基礎減量目標倡議(Science Based Targets Initiative, SBTi)是國際碳揭露專案(Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP)、全球氣候商業聯盟(We Mean Business Coalition)、聯合國全球盟約(UN Global Compact )及世界自然基金會(World Wide Fund, WWF)等共同成立的 …