Denitrification performance, bioelectricity generation and …
2022年11月1日 · Wide range of COD/TN from 4 to 0 and its shock on MFC-CW was investigated. MFC-CW with plants reduced DO in the cathode and increased nitrogen removal. Key genes involved in denitrification process were more abundant in the cathode. Influent COD and plants regulated metabolic function response pathways.
广州市聚洋化工科技有限公司 - juyang-chem.com
性能及应用:烷基改性硅氧烷,能帮助颜料的分散,广泛的兼容性,可用于透明配方并可加热到90℃。 适用于护肤、彩妆及唇部产品中,提供轻质、丝滑的柔软肤感。 性能及应用:具有比D5更好的挥发性、更低的冰点(代替D5),干爽保湿、丝滑不累积,同时具有良好的润肤性、铺展性好,瞬时调理,并可做载体。 2. 二甲基硅油. 性能及应用:低粘度的聚二甲基硅氧烷,具有优秀的铺展性,清爽、丝滑不粘腻,在O/W体系可以消除白条及起泡现象。 溶于酒精。 性能及应用: …
Response of soil biological properties and bacterial diversity to ...
2021年12月17日 · Moreover, the indexes of soil bacterial richness and diversity in the sugarcane field could be significantly improved by L. At the genus level, SC-I-84, Mycobacterium, Micropepsaceae, Saccharimonadales, Subgroup_2 and Acetobacteraceae were the unique dominant bacteria in the soil with the H treatment.
Constitución Sacrosanctum Concilium sobre la sagrada liturgia
Este sacrosanto Concilio se propone acrecentar de día en día entre los fieles la vida cristiana, adaptar mejor a las necesidades de nuestro tiempo las instituciones que están sujetas a cambio, promover todo aquello que pueda contribuir a la unión de cuantos creen en Jesucristo y fortalecer lo que sirve para invitar a todos los hombres al seno de...
ISME:华中农大李霞组发现大豆根际微生物组变化与根瘤菌共生效 …
本研究的发现为土著微生物群在根瘤菌适应其环境和调节根瘤菌共生效率中的作用提供了第一个证据。 总而言之,本研究发现表明,根际微生物群在根瘤菌-大豆共生和植物适应胁迫环境中具有重要的调节作用。 根瘤菌-豆类共生是植物-微生物共生的一种重要类型;但是,这种关联的建立很复杂,并可能受到许多因素的影响。 大豆根际具有特定的微生物群落,但是尚未对这些微生物是否影响根瘤菌结瘤进行深入研究。 在这里,我们分析了三种土壤类型中大豆根际区域微生物群的 …
agricultural soil bacterium SC-I-84 - National Center for …
agricultural soil bacterium SC-I-84 Taxonomy ID: 102458 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid102458) current name
Understanding variations in soil properties and microbial communities ...
2021年10月1日 · In L soils, two bacterial taxonomic groups (Betaproteobacteriales and SC-I-84) and seven fungal taxonomic groups (Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Rhizophydiaceae, Rhizophydium, Rhizophydiomycetes, Rhizophydiales, and Pseudaleuria) were enriched. Only one species (Elsterales) was represented in LM soils. The main biomarkers of M soils were ...
agricultural soil bacterium SC-I-84 - Organism - CNGBdb
Animal. NHPCA: Non-human Primate Single-cell Atlas; B10K: Bird 10,000 Genomes; FishT1K: Transcriptomes of 1,000 Fishes; Fish10K: The 10,000 Fish Genomes; 1KITE:
SC配方目录_杰世化工(上海)有限公司 - jassbio.com
1.Atrazine(阿特拉津)50%SC 2.Acetamiprid(啶虫脒)25%、35% SC 3.Azocyclotin(三唑锡)20%SC 4.Alpha-cypermethrin(顺式氯氰菊酯) 10% SC 5.Atrazine +mesotrione [阿特拉津+甲基磺草酮(38+12)%] SC 6.Abamectin+ Chlorfenapyr [阿维+除尽(2+18)%] ... SC 84. Fipronil+ indoxacarb [氟虫腈+茚虫威(500+150 ...
SeraSol SC 84 by KCC Beauty - Personal Care & Cosmetics
SeraSol SC 84 is a carefully formulated mixture of silicone polyethers, Cyclopentasiloxane and water, designed specifically to assist in the production of water-in-oil (W/O) formulations, especially water in-silicone (W/Si) emulsions where volatile silicones are used.