Avoid and report internet scams and phishing - GOV.UK
Find out how internet scams work and what to be aware of - misleading websites, report website fraud, suspicious communication and phishing
Fraud, tricks and scams: guidance - GOV.UK
2024年5月8日 · You can help to stop scammers by warning your friends and family, and by making Action Fraud aware of any scams that you have encountered.
The latest scam alerts from Which? - Which? News
6 天之前 · Find out about the latest scams trending this month. Come across a scam? Let us know by using our scam sharer tool. For weekly updates on the scams you need to be aware …
Action Fraud
2025年1月10日 · Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime.
Check if something might be a scam - Citizens Advice
Check if your bank uses 159 on the Stop Scams UK website. There are things you can do to protect yourself from being scammed online. You can search for a company's details on GOV.UK. This will tell you if they're a registered company or not.
Action Fraud - Police UK
Action Fraud is the national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime. It collects reports about fraud on behalf of the police in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. For fraud in Scotland please report it directly to Police Scotland. You can make a report as a guest, without registering and creating an account.
Stop! Think Fraud - How to stay safe from scams
Find out how to spot the tactics and techniques commonly used by fraudsters, to help reduce your risk of becoming a victim. Find out what you can do today to help protect yourself, your loved ones...
Scams: how you can avoid them - GOV.UK
2019年10月11日 · We want you to be aware of tactics fraudsters use and how to stop them from getting your personal details. What scams do fraudsters use? ‘Phishing’, ‘smishing’ and …
Home - Stop Scams UK
Stop Scams UK is a membership organisation of responsible businesses from across banking, technology and telecoms. Our purpose is to facilitate cross-sector collaboration between firms in those sectors most affected by scams. Many businesses find collaboration difficult.
Latest scams - Age UK
Check this page regularly for updates on the latest scams and advice on how to protect yourself. We have a new Scams Prevention and Victim Support service for more support and advice - click here for more details. The Little Book of Big Scams - a useful summary of all the most common scams and what you can do to protect yourself. Click here to view