GitHub - fifty-six/Scarab: An installer for Hollow Knight mods …
This is a mod manager for Hollow Knight aimed at making the process of installing mods easier for users. Get the latest release here. Unzip and run it. Mods appear in the top left corner of the game title screen after installation. An installer for Hollow Knight mods written in Avalonia.
Releases · fifty-six/Scarab - GitHub
Sorry for the huge wait - probably should've backported fixes earlier, but this should fix a ton of the bugs people have reported and some of the feature requests! Some quick hotfixes. Next update should be some *very big* changes. though! If your installer started crashing, it's likely due to the issue below and should be resolved by updating.
Scarab:空洞骑士模组安装器指南 - CSDN博客
2024年5月21日 · Scarab 是一个专为《空洞骑士》设计的模组管理工具,旨在简化玩家安装游戏模组的过程。 本项目基于 Avalonia 框架构建,提供了一个直观易用的界面,让用户能够在游戏中轻松访问并启用安装好的模组。 首先,前往 Scarab 最新发布页面 下载压缩包。 解压下载的文件到您选择的目录。 双击解压后的可执行文件(通常命名为 Scarab.exe)来运行程序。 启动后,Scarab将引导您浏览可用的模组列表。 选择您感兴趣的模组,点击安装,模组将在下次游 …
Firefield Scarab 9-12" Two-piece Bipod - amazon.com
2020年5月21日 · The Firefield Scarab 9-12” Two-Piece Bipods adds stability to your firearm, perfect for hunting and target shooting. The Scarab comes in two different attachment settings, M-LOK (FF34025MLK) and KeyMod (FF34025KMD) while featuring a three-setting height adjustment for a comfortable shooting.
空洞骑士超详细皮肤及MOD安装教程及存档导入方法(附公开皮肤 …
①空洞最新1.5版很多MOD不适配,所以建议大家改版本进行操作(第一步不可忽略) ②盗版空洞可能会出现一些bug. ③如有疑惑请直接评论区询问即可。 ④仅为steam版本,其他渠道我也不懂. ⑤加入一些活跃的空洞群其实更能解决问题,比如春夏季皮肤群。 ⑥如果已经安装过皮肤,在steam删除游戏是不会删除MOD文件的,无需重新安装。 如果要重新安装,请先删除整个游戏本地文件,否则可能会出现bug。 ⑦一些功能性MOD不建议新人使用,如果忍不住就开秒杀无敌 …
GitHub - Adrin63/Scarab: A cross platform mod manager for …
Download the latest version from the automatic download link or the releases page. Search through and download the mods you like. Mods appear in the top left corner of the game title screen after installation. Enable/Disable mods from affecting the game using the toggle and update outdated mods using the orange update button.
Lumafly, Hollow Knight Mod Installer and Manager (formerly …
Lumafly (formerly known as Scarab+) is a mod loader/installer/manager for Hollow Knight. It is easiest way to get the 300+ mods for Hollow Knight. Automatically downloads the Modding API which is required for mods to load.
Scarab Mod Manager (Link) at Hollow Knight Nexus - Nexus Mods
2022年6月19日 · Link to the current Hollow Knight mod manager. A PSA, not a mod. This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game. Scarab is the current mod manager for Hollow Knight. It's used by players like Skurry. If this is helpful, please download the dummy file and endorse, so more players see this.
Hollow Knight - Nexus Mods
Lumafly (formerly known as Scarab+) is a mod loader/installer/manager for Hollow Knight. It is easiest way to get the 300+ mods for Hollow Knight. Portable Mod Manager for Muck, Hollow Knight, Regions of Ruin, Havendock, and the Havendock Demo! Can install and uninstall BepInEx inthe blink of an eye!
How To Use Scarab Mod Installer 【Hollow Knight】 - Steam Community
Comprehensive guide to installing and using Scarab Mod Installer for Hollow Knight. ========== 🔴 Subscribe for more! https://www.youtube.com/c/FyterianTV?sub_confirmation=1 Let's connect: TW.