Audiogon Discussion Forum
2021年3月12日 · I have the Schiit Saga (original) and use it in tube buffer mode with all my sources except Audio Horizon phono preamp run passively. I don’t presume to tell anyone what they hear, but after spending time rolling a few 6SN7’s with the Saga, I was able to choose a clear preference based on overall sound quality.
Schiit Audio Saga+ Reviews - Analog Components - Audiophile Style
Saga+ gives you all the uber-high-end, no-compromises features you need in a preamp—without the insane price. Saga+ brings you a real relay-switched volume control, which you can use in pure passive mode, or run it through a 6SN7 hybrid tube buffer. Saga+ even includes a custom remote control. Sa...
Schiit Audio Saga S Reviews - Audiophile Style
Saga S is just like Saga+—without the tube. Like Saga+, Saga S gives you all the uber-high-end, no-compromises features you need in a preamp, including a real relay-switched volume control, a switchable DC-coupled discrete JFET buffer, and a custom remote control. Saga S: The Solid-State Saga Wha...
2024年8月15日 · Just out from Schiit: "Hey all, Let's play an audio version of The Price is Right. As in, what would you expect to pay for a passive, remote control, relay-ladder preamp...oh that also has a switchable, fully differential, fully discrete, 75-V …
Schiit Saga vs Freya - Page 10 - General Forum - Audiophile Style
2017年1月26日 · Schiit have publicly stated that the Saga measures "slightly" better; whether that is audible is the question. The more important difference between them is probably the feature set: the added jfet (active transistor ) mode, and balanced output and input on the Freya, as well as getting 128 vs. 64 volume steps.
Schiit Saga vs Freya - General Forum - Audiophile Style
2017年1月26日 · Schiit themselves say the Saga measures slightly better than the Freya, because of the simpler circuit. I'd doubt the difference is audible. In any case, I prefer the sound of the JFET mode, which Saga doesn't have. The tube mode with Saga is a buffer, with Freya it is an active preamp tube mode, and will give you full balanced output.
Unexpectedly low volume with Schiit Saga + Vidar
2020年2月11日 · I have the knob on the Saga + preamp all the way up and it's solid, but it's a long way from "blow the doors off the place." I also don't really hear anything out of the speakers until the volume knob on the preamp is to about 11-noon. The signal path is as follows: Spotify > Airplay > Airport Express > Saga > Schiit > Magnepan MMG.
Schiit Saga vs Freya - Page 4 - General Forum - Audiophile Style
2017年1月26日 · The Saga with this tube sounds better than anything I've tried in terms of pre-amplification (passive or solid state or other tubes) in my current (and previous) system(s) so far. There may exist better triodes, but the performance of this GE takes my current system to a level of realism in sound reproduction that I actually didn't think was ...
Tubes for Schiit Saga - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2021年1月3日 · @jl35 i recently got the safa idk if you are talking about the vali2 or saga but the stock tubes schiit tends to use in the pre amps are VERY neutral . can barely tell a difference. but i just switched to a ken rad vt 231 smoked and the difference is huge. such an upgrade. im also getting the vali 2+ would the tung sol you got fit in the vali 2 ...
Schiit Saga vs Freya - Page 3 - General Forum - Audiophile Style
2017年1月26日 · In my system I prefer the Schiit Saga over a number of other good preamps.. Yes - I am mostly running it using the tube (active). Actually, in either mode (active or passive) the low and high's are rolled off compared to when I run my DAC directly into my (integrated) amp - I am hoping it is a break in thing...