Yakovlev Pchela - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Pchela-1T ("Пчела" meaning bee) is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) manufactured by the Russian Yakovlev Design Bureau. Its primary use is for surveillance and observation in battlefield environments with downlinked video. Other implementations and uses include target designation and as a training target.
RPO-A Shmel - Wikipedia
Designed to defeat concealed enemy firing positions, disable lightly armored vehicles and destroy enemy manpower. The aiming range with a diopter sight is 600 meters, with an OPO optical sight – 450 m, OPO-1 – up to 850 m. Each weapon contains a …
SHMEL-1 Yak-061 (YAKOVLEV) - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年11月7日 · Three swept-back stabilizers on rear of craft forming the engine housing. CIS, Syria.
3M6 Shmel - Wikipedia
The 3M6 Shmel (Russian: 3М6 «Шмель»; English: bumblebee) is an MCLOS wire-guided anti-tank missile of the Soviet Union. Its GRAU designation is "3M6" and its NATO reporting name is AT-1 Snapper. Too large to be manportable, it was …
Jakowlew Ptschela – Wikipedia
Für den Export wird ein leicht modifiziertes System unter dem Namen Malachit (Schmel-1/Shmel-1 für die Drohne) angeboten. Der Flug der mit einem ummantelten Propeller ausgerüsteten und zum Teil aus Kompositwerkstoffen bestehenden Drohne erfolgt in einer Höhe von 100 bis maximal 3000 m.
Overview — Shmel-1 (Bumblebee) YAK-061 - Military Periscope
The Shmel (Bumblebee) has been the Russian army's primary close-range reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The Shmel has high mounted straight wings with turned-down tips and ailerons for roll control. A broad-chord ring enshrouds the pusher propeller and the rotable elevator and rudder.
SHMEL-1 Yak-061 (YAKOVLEV) - inetres.com
2001年9月1日 · Role: Remote terrain observation. Armament: None. Dimensions: Length: 9 ft, 1 in (2.78 m). Span: 10 ft, 6 in (3.25 m). Wings: High-mounted and straight with blunt, negative slanted tips. Engine (s): Prop-engine and has a round enclosure at the rear in the opposing position. Fuselage: Rounded, bullet nose.
SHMEL-1 Yak-061 - Liberty References
Countries which Fly the SHMEL-1 Yak-061. CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), Syria.
(番外篇)苏联/俄罗斯RPO系列火箭筒衍生型号补充 - 哔哩哔哩
我们国内PF-97单兵云爆弹是RPO-A“什米尔”(英文:Shmel,音译:什米尔,意思:大黄蜂)仿制型号,实际上RPO-A“什米尔”只是RPO系列火箭筒中一个型号,RPO是一个型号众多的家族化火箭筒,他甚至影响了后续俄罗斯其他新型火箭筒的研制。 衍生型号: RPO Rys. (1)RPO Rys:RPO系列的基本型号,使用的填料为凝固汽油弹填料。 RPO-A Shmel. (2)RPO-A Shmel: 基于RPO Rys研制的新型一次性武器。 发射装置是Rys上的一个缩短版本,而火箭已经被改装 …
谁是单兵云爆弹的始祖?苏联“什米尔”系列单兵云爆弹发展史_哔哩 …
1.9万 14 【军盲金曲】Space, Only Advance (On the Run) ShaDiaoPandaman. 30.6万 147 如何造出我国第一代“坦克杀手”? 【Top说55】国产单兵反坦克火箭筒发展历程(上) ...
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