Werner Scholem – Wikipedia
Werner Scholem (geboren am 29. Dezember 1895 in Berlin; gestorben am 17. Juli 1940 im KZ Buchenwald) war ein deutscher, jüdischer Politiker der KPD, Abgeordneter im Reichstag und …
Werner Scholem, a Jewish Communist Murdered by the Nazis
2020年7月17日 · In the years after World War I, Werner Scholem had been one of the most renowned figures in the German Communist Party (KPD). Yet his name would soon enter into …
A Jewish Communist in Weimar Germany. The Life of Werner Scholem …
Scholem climbed the party ladder and orchestrated the KPD’s ‘Bolshevisation’ campaign, only to be expelled as one of Stalin’s opponents in 1926. He was arrested in 1933, and ultimately …
Review: A Jewish Communist in Weimar Germany
2020年7月25日 · Eighty years ago, on 17 July, the SS guard Johannes Blank murdered Werner Scholem in the Buchenwald concentration camp. Blank shot Scholem in the back. Scholem …
A Jewish Communist’s Unclaimed Legacy - Historical Materialism
The former was pioneered by Scholem, superimposing a [centralised] structure onto the KPD intended to heighten the party’s capacity for intervention and agitation. The process of …
A Jewish Communist in Weimar Germany | HaymarketBooks.org
Scholem climbed the party ladder and orchestrated the KPD's ‘Bolshevisation’ campaign, only to be expelled as one of Stalin's opponents in 1926. He was arrested in 1933, and ultimately …
In 1920 he joined the Communist Party (KPD) and in 1921 was elected to a seat in the Prussian Parliament (Preußischer Landtag). In 1924 he became a member of the national parliament …
Das Dilemma des Radikalismus: Werner Scholem (1895–1940)
2020年7月17日 · Heute eine eher obskure Figur, zu dessen Lebzeiten galt Scholem als eine der bekanntesten Persönlichkeiten der Kommunistischen Partei (KPD). Bereits 1933 hatten die …
A Jewish Communist in Weimar Germany – The Life of Werner Scholem …
Scholem climbed the party ladder and orchestrated the KPD's ‘Bolshevisation’ campaign, only to be expelled as one of Stalin's opponents in 1926. He was arrested in 1933, and ultimately …
Book Review: A Jewish Communist in Weimar Germany
2019年10月28日 · As early as 1922, Scholem was warning both the SPD and the KPD about underestimating the threat of a fascist dictatorship and repeatedly called for united action …