Students & Parents / PTL (Permission to Leave) - Schoolwires
A permission to leave (PTL) pass is required for a student to leave campus before the end of the day. PTL passes are available for students to leave for doctor's/dentist appointments and/or emergencies. Students must pick up their PTL from Student Services. PTL Procedure. PTL Times. PTLs will ONLY be given at: 9:20 AM 10:15 AM 1:31 PM 2:26 PM
Parent Teacher League - PTL - GraceLutheranSchool
The Parent Teacher League (PTL) of Grace Lutheran School is an organization that directly helps the school by providing support to the facility, the faculty and the student body through various fundraisers and activities that promote fellowship and education within the Christian body.
St. Paul Lutheran School
St. Paul Westlake offers outstanding Christian education for students starting at age 3 and continuing through Eighth Grade. We are recognized through our national accrediting body as an exemplary school – one of the finest Lutheran Schools in the country. St. Paul is, simply put, a great school in which to grow and learn! Join our Tiger family!
What is the PTL? Trinity’s Parent-Teacher League is an organization of parents and educators that work together to make Trinity a wonderful place to learn and to connect. What does Trinity’s PTL do for you and your student? Have you ever wondered what Trinity’s PTL does or asked where the money we
St. John School PTL on BetterWorld
St. John School PTL. Support the school while keeping parents informed and connected.
2024年2月22日 · “The Mission of Immanuel Lutheran School PTL is to assist the school in providing functions that promote Christian fellowship and service among teachers, parents, and students; to help assist in the funding of equipment for the educational purpose of the school; and to plan times of celebrations in honor of our Lord’s birth and resurrection.”
PTL — Bethany Lutheran School
The Parent Teacher League (PTL) exists to promote fellowship among teachers, faculty, and staff and to facilitate effective Christian training of Bethany’s school children. This will be achieved through educational, developmental, and social experiences at Bethany Lutheran School.
Parent Teacher League (PTL) - Northley Middle School
If you click on "PTL Meetings and Minutes" you can find the schedule! We request that each family pay $10 annual dues. Forms were sent home with the children and include all the info!
Parent Teacher League (PTL) - Parkside Elementary School
The Parent Teacher League of Parkside is vital to the success of many school events and programs. Funds raised by the PTL are used to provide a plethora of student activities, assemblies, awards, supplies, etc. The PTL membership drive will begin on Back-to-School Night; dues are $5.00 per family.
The purpose of the St. John’s Lutheran PTL is to support the ministry and programs of the school by promoting partnership between the school and home, so parents and teachers can effectively work together in communicating, educating, and financially supporting the mission of …