Best Indio Schools | Indio, CA School Ratings | Best Schools
Best Indio schools listed by Indio school districts. Browse best elementary, middle, and high schools private and public schools by grade level in Indio, California (CA).
Schools - Desert Sands Unified School District
Desert Sands Unified School District consists of eighteen elementary schools, one charter elementary school, six middle schools, one charter middle school, four comprehensive high schools, two continuation high schools, one alternative education school, and preschool.
Top 10 Best Public Schools in Indio, CA (2024-25)
View the 2024-25 top ranked public schools in Indio, California. Find rankings, test scores, reviews and more. Read about top ranked schools like: James Monroe Elementary School, Amelia Earhart Elementary School Of International Studies and John Glenn Middle School Of International Studies.
High Schools in Indio, CA
Listed below are all public and private high schools located in Indio, California. Click on the public or private school to view that specific high school's details. If you are looking to move to Indio, CA consider which high school your children would attend.
Best Public Schools in Indio, CA - SchoolDigger
The city of Indio, California is home to 20 schools that serve students from elementary through high school, all part of the Desert Sands Unified School District. The district is ranked 1011 out of 1568 districts in California and has a 2-star rating from SchoolDigger.
K-12 Schools in Indio, CA - Niche
Explore 2025 school ratings and statistics for public and private schools in Indio. Find the best schools near you.
Indio public school ratings and districts - NeighborhoodScout
School Districts serving Indio, CA Public schools in Indio belong to districts that are headquartered in one or more other communities. Coachella Valley Unified School District
Public Schools - Indio, CA (Enrollment & Calendars) - County Office
Looking for public school enrollment & calendars in Indio, CA? Quickly access information about 19 Public Schools near you!
Indio, CA Elementary Schools
Listed below are all public and private grade schools located in Indio, California. Click on the public or private elementary school to view that specific school's details. If you are looking to move to Indio, CA consider which grade school your children would attend.
Best Private Schools in Indio, CA (2024-25)
View the 2024-25 top ranked private schools in Indio, California. Find tuition info, acceptance rates, reviews and more. Read about top ranked schools like: Desert Christian Academy.