Scientific jury selection - Wikipedia
Scientific jury selection, often abbreviated SJS, is the use of social science techniques and expertise to choose favorable juries during a criminal or civil trial. Scientific jury selection is used during the jury selection phase of the trial, during which lawyers have
Scientific jury selection – the application of behavioral and social scientific principles to the selection of jurors most sympathetic to a particular side in a court case – has experienced a growth spurt since its inception in the early 1970s.
Scientific Jury Selection: What Social Scientists Know and Do …
Scientific jury selection (SJS), a procedure in which social scientists act as consultants and assist a litigator in the selection of a jury, has produced modest success, and it has helped lawyers and litigants feel more confident.
Scientific Jury Selection is a well-written volume that reviews the research and issues surrounding scientific jury selection. The authors examine the many factors and methods involved in this process and provide a
Scientific Jury Selection - American Psychological Association …
[Scientific Jury Selection] is a masterful presentation of a fascinating albeit highly technical topic. The authors are objective commentators who weigh their opinions against empirical evidence from the legal and behavioral sciences arenas.
The Utility of Scientific Jury Selection: Still Murky After 30 Years
2011年2月4日 · Consultants use a variety of survey and observational approaches based on social science research techniques to conduct scientific jury selection (SJS). Over the past three decades, psychologists have engaged in research that has implications for …
History and Overview of the Scientific Jury Selection Process.
This chapter examines the Harrisburg Seven trial as well as other early trials using scientific jury selection consultants. The authors also discuss the evolution of jury selection consulting as a professional industry, as well as surveys and related trial consulting services.
Scientific Jury Selection - Forensic Psychology - iResearchNet
Scientific jury selection (SJS) is the use of a survey to decide which jurors to favor in a trial. Prior to the 1970s, jury selection was done by attorneys based on their hunches. The new quantitative method was welcomed enthusiastically by trial attorneys.
Scientific Jury Selection successfully integrates empirical re-search with applied social science. The authors provide a thor-ough overview of the history of scientific jury selection with a strong academic point of view. They identify and review what.
Scientific jury selection: Does it work? - APA PsycNet
This article describes different methodologies used to predict the likely disposition of jurors in order to guide the exercise of peremptory challenges. The actual use of these methodologies in 27 telephone surveys, 9 focus groups, and 2 studies of …