what advantages MATLAB has over SCILAB and vice versa?
2010年2月10日 · Scilab is to MATLAB as OpenOffice is to MS Office. That is to say, it's a not-quite-a-clone, and it's not as polished. You do get most of the functionality of MATLAB, and …
Comparison of Octave, Spyder, Freemat and Scilab as alternatives …
2011年11月17日 · If someone does google and find good benchmarks for Octave vs. Matlab, perhaps more detailed information or links could be edited into this answer. – Eliah Kagan …
Performance of Octave compared to Matlab and Scilab
2018年5月5日 · Here are the times on my Windows machine (Asus with Ryzen 7 4700U) where I've printed 5 runs for each of Scilab 6.1.0, Octave 6.2.0, Python 3.8.7 and Julia 1.5.3) - I've …
matlab - FreeMat : How different is it from Octave? - Stack Overflow
In short, both GNU Octave and FreeMat are open-source alternatives to MATLAB. However, Octave is more mature and has wider community support. I also found this interesting article …
Porting MATLAB functions to Scilab. How do I use symbolic?
2008年10月29日 · From my quick Google search I didn't find anything comparable to MATLAB's Simulink. Also, Python and SciPy do have most of the functionality of MATLAB, and I guess …
What is the difference between clc and clear all in Matlab?
2016年4月12日 · I am new to MATLAB and was going through some machine learning projects written in MATLAB. Some files start with the following lines: clear all; close all; clc; I …
Why/when should I prefer MATLAB over Octave? - Stack Overflow
2010年8月21日 · Octave has several syntactic improvements on matlab, for example you can say endif endfor and endfunction instead of just end, which make debugging much easier. Octave …
Differences between Octave and MATLAB - Stack Overflow
2012年8月23日 · MATLAB is, first and foremost, a commercial offering. Therefore, everything in MATLAB pretty much works out of the box. All the core functionality is solid, and if you're …
how to write the matlab code "tf2ss" in scilab? - Stack Overflow
2021年5月28日 · While in MATLAB your inputs for tf2ss should be coefficients of polynomials, in Scilab, the only input should be a rational matrix, as you can see in the help page.
Using a MATLAB code on Scilab - Stack Overflow
2013年2月11日 · There is a tool to automatically convert Matlab source to Scilab source, it's called M2SCI. A script parses the Matlab source code and replaces Matlab-specific functions …