SciPhone - Wikipedia
SciPhone is a brand of Shanzhai cellular phone associated with a Chinese company called Bluelans Communications which produced imitation mobile phones using the designs of major brands of mobile phones. These phones were usually low priced.
sciphone - 百度百科
中国 Sciphone手机正式推出标准产品Sciphonei68,中国Sciphone手机i68的主要特点及其功能如下:掌上PDA四频段:GSM850、GSM900、DCS1800、PCS1900MHz支持手写输入纯平触摸屏 虚拟键盘 运动传感器(振动换待机图片、屏幕图象旋转等) 双卡单待 拍照功能手机电影彩信MMSWAP功能 ...
SciPhone i68+ - Legacy Portable Computing Wiki
The SciPhone i68+, sometimes written as SCIphone i68+, is a dual-SIM iPhone clone released by Bluelans Communication, Inc. [1] in late 2008. This is one of the most well-known iPhone clones, and was mainly sold on online stores like DealExtreme [ 2 ] until around late 2011.
山寨苹果手机Sciphone i9+++一周使用感受 – 月与灯依旧
2010年8月1日 · 下面我简单地对这款名为Sciphone i9+++的山寨苹果手机作一个评价。 开箱: 一个全黑色的小包装盒,谁都知道,这是模拟苹果手机的包装的。 打开之,手机,耳机,电池,充电器一应俱全,但是,没有说明书!
iphone app 破解网站集 - CSDN博客
2011年5月24日 · 标题中的“问答型iPhone5c手机app网站模板”指的是一个专为iPhone5c设计的、用于构建问答社区的移动应用程序的网页模板。这种模板通常包含了各种预设的页面布局、色彩方案、图标集以及交互元素,帮助开发者快速搭建...
Psiphon - Download
2025年2月24日 · Unrestricted access to the internet. Psiphon is a is a circumvention tool from the developer Psiphon Inc. that uses VPN, SSH, and HTTP Proxy technology so that you can have uncensored access to all Internet content. As you browse, the client will learn about new access points so that you can bypass blocks with ease.. Web browsing freedom. The internet was founded on the premise of free access ...
Sciphone I68 III - Wi-Fi and more ! -- Chinaphonehouse - PRLog
2010年5月4日 · The Sciphone i68 III brings to device WiFi support. Until now, the only way to access the Internet with an i68 was the GPRS,.Now, the WiFi, allows you to browse more quickly and often for free. The 3rd generation of Sciphone i68 integrates according to Bluelans Communication, a 1.3 MP camera and includes Hebrew language.
求HiPhone Ciphone sciphone三款山寨机的评测! - 百度知道
求HiPhone Ciphone sciphone三款山寨机的评测! 国产现在的机子数联想和夏新最强 我在用联想 功能很人性化 用的舒服.Hiphone使用感受 测试如下:(有人发了,我就直接转贴吧。
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Download Psiphon | Psiphon
2018年10月17日 · Psiphon Download. Psiphon software ensures that millions of citizens get open access to the world wide web (Internet). It was originated in 2006.
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