Scott Jund patch review : r/deadbydaylight - Reddit
Scott repeatedly makes chuckles and states things like "wow they are doing things I suggested!" Throughout the video. If you found out about this video from this post, it's literally tagged as a shitpost/meme. Honestly if someone can't figure out it's satire and fake, I am surprised they managed to turn on their computer
Scott Jund's take on the current state of the game; more in
2018年8月13日 · Mainly, the game should be balanced based on the center of the bell curve, the average (but still not very great) player. It shouldnt be balanced around Zubat, Fungoose and Scott as much as it shouldn't be balanced around the newest players u der 100 hours. Point 5 you make I think is kinda, I dunno.
Tru3 was kicked out of the Fog Whisper program for a good reason
2021年6月8日 · Scott is a member of the DBD streaming and YouTube community, often times talking about things and balancing stuff in the game. So a couple days ago Tru3 made some commnets that Survive With Friends (SWF), needs to be nerfed and just gave really poor ideas. Scott made a response to this and was genuinely nothing but calm, professional and nice.
Scott Jund - About Cryaotic : r/cryaotic - Reddit
2020年6月25日 · Jund and Snake (and Russ too), if you're somehow here and reading this, you have my appreciation. It couldn't have been easy for you guys to deal with this hellish nightmare, and good luck. As a side note, that last text message of Cry in Jund's statement is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. I'm so appalled. Ugh...
Scott Jund: What The Heck Is Happening With The Texas Chainsaw …
Scott Jund is one of the worst DBD content creators with the most brain dead worst takes. He suggested DBD increase gen times to 110 seconds and for killers to have more slow down perks. The moment survivors get a single useful perk, he goes all out to call for its nerf.
[Megathread] Cryaotic Accusations : r/ChaoticMonki - Reddit
7:10 am 25 June 2020: Scott Jund tweets that a timeframe for Cry's statement has been imposed and he should be releasing something tonight. 1:28 pm 25 June 2020: Beckyrallens releases an account of a sexual situation with cry from only two days ago the account is between two consenting adults and is intended to show that Cry's behaviour may ...
Concerning the video the Scott Jund made about people hating
2021年8月30日 · Scott's opinions were always worthless. If it is something he plays/does, it is fine or needed buffed (mostly huntress, demogorgon and hillbilly stuff). But if it is something he didn't personally enjoy or play, its bad for the game or weak, or not fun. Almost all his takes on DbD are idiotic and come something other creators are talking about.
Scott Jund on invasions and the Elden Ring community - "People …
2022年5月29日 · Scott can play innocent all he wants, but I've never met an invader in any Souls-like that wanted to do it because it was fun. Time after time, their goal is to inconvenience the player and ruin their game. What other reason is there to wait in one spot for a player to fight, who doesn't know the fight is coming? The messages speak for themselves.
Scott Jund - "People are just trying to have fun" [Invasion ... - Reddit
2022年5月29日 · This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring.
Scott Jund - Why Do Souls Games Have Such Broken PVP?
2022年6月14日 · I agree with everything this man is saying. Definitely loved DS2 for PVP, except the cancer of soul memory meant my favorite character couldn't pvp in the proper bracket for long....