SCP-027 - SCP Foundation
2024年4月17日 · Item #: SCP-027. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: The host of SCP-027 (currently subject 027-02) is to be kept in a 5 m x 5 m containment cell with a grated, raised floor connected to a strong vacuum system. All creatures removed from the Subject's containment cell are to be incinerated, except for a small portion to be ...
SCP-027 - SCP基金会
项目编号:SCP-027. 项目等级:Euclid. 特殊收容措施:SCP-027的主体(目前是027-02)需要放置在一个5米 x 5米的收容密室内,配置具强力真空系统的高架格柵狀地板。所有从收容密室内离开的生物,除了少部分用於分析和剖檢,都應被燒毀。
SCP-027 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-027 ("The Vermin God") is an attracted swarm of various insects and vermin to one host, currently Security Officer K F . SCP-027 was discovered when SCP Foundation personnel discovered Subject 027-01 in an abandoned warehouse full of …
SCP-027|豸神:以神之名,召唤虫族! - 百家号
2024年6月21日 · scp-027在已知的第一位宿主,即scp-027-01死亡后转移至scp-027-02。由于scp-027在scp-027-02死亡后可能会重复这种转移,所有重要人员应当远离现在的宿主直到更好地理解scp-027。scp-027在被收容前可能已经进行了多次未知的宿主转移,对潜在的原有宿主的研究已经 …
SCP-027 "The Vermin God" - SCP Foundation Wiki
Description: SCP-027 appears to be a phenomenon of unknown source that seems to be tied to one human subject (currently 027-02) at a time. As host to SCP-027, subject 027-02 is constantly surrounded by swarming vermin that are drawn to his location.
SCP-027 - The Vermin God | The SCP Foundation Database
2019年6月24日 · Security personnel assigned to SCP-027 must be inoculated against all known animal-borne pathogens and must be armed with tranquilizer guns, with standing orders to subdue the subject if the need arises. Until SCP-027 is better understood, no personnel of Level 4 Clearance or higher should approach within 200 m of the Subject.
SCP-027 - SCP財団
アイテム番号: SCP-027. オブジェクトクラス: Euclid. 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-027の宿主(現在は027-02)は、強力な吸引システムに接続された、5m×5mの格子状高床を備えた封じ込め区画に保管されます。対象の封じ込め区画から除去した生物は、分析および解剖に ...
SCP-027 | SCPAbridged Wiki | Fandom
Object Description: SCP-027 [1] is a phenomenon bound to one person at a time where that person becomes constantly swarmed with hostile vermin and insects which attack individuals nearby, even the person bound to SCP-027
SCP-027 | SCP基金会中文 Wiki | Fandom
项目编号:SCP-027 项目等级:Euclid. 特殊收容措施:SCP-027的主体(目前是027-02)需要放置在一个5米 x 5米的收容密室内,配置具强力真空系统的高架格柵狀地板。所有从收容密室内离开的生物,除了少部分用於分析和剖檢,都應被燒毀。
SCP-027-FR - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-027-FR是一个23厘米高的歌手Rick Astley的小雕像,上面刻有“Get rick rolled”字样。 小雕像连续不断地播放歌曲 Never Gonna Give You Up 。 当一个人工制品接近小雕像的6米范围内时,该制品将立即变成另一形态,其特性将与前者完全相反,项目似乎会试图嘲讽该 ...
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