SCP-069 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-069 is a presumed humanoid entity of variable appearance and gender. Through an unknown ability, whenever SCP-069 is left alone with a recently deceased human body, the body will disappear and SCP-069 will take on the appearance, mannerisms, and knowledge of the recently dead individual.
SCP-069-J - SCP Foundation
2024年4月15日 · SCP-069 appears to be a commercially produced software DVD and accompanying instruction manual in its original soft case. When placed into any PC with a supported Windows operating system, the disc appears to contain a Japanese-style "dating-sim" visual novel program in English.
SCP-069-UA - SCP Foundation
2022年5月4日 · Item #: SCP-069-UA. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-069-UA must be contained in a secure chamber at least 10 x 10 meters wide and 2 meters high. The containment chamber itself must have soundproof walls.
Main - SCP Foundation
2025年3月22日 · scp-7928: threat level: null by Everturning | Selected by Iszth SCP-7928 refers to a Tau-Rho (“eldritch”) entity referring to itself as “Tr’Kxladi, the outer god of interruption and mortal foil.”
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
2025年1月19日 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. About About Us; Site Rules; FAQ; Licensing; ... SCP-069 - Second Chance; SCP-070 - Iron Wings; SCP-071 - Degenerative Metamorphic Entity; SCP-072 - The Foot of the Bed; SCP-073 - "Cain" SCP-074 - Quantum Woodlouse;
Incident 096-1-A - SCP Foundation
2024年10月4日 · SCP-096 stops for one second before running into the crowd of townsfolk, throwing many aside and trampling more. More shots are heard as the crowd begins dispersing, the loudspeakers unintelligible under the vocalizations of SCP-096.
SCP-096 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月1日 · Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP-096-1). Documented speeds have varied from thirty-five (35) km/h to km/h, and seems to depend on distance from SCP-096-1.
SCP-066 - SCP Foundation
2024年9月30日 · SCP-066 transformed into a small calico kitten for seventeen minutes. The kitten exhibited significant friendliness and playfulness, and appeared to be declawed. A song lasting four minutes, acoustic guitar with vocal accompaniment by singer/songwriter [REDACTED].
SCP-690 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-690. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-690 is to be stored in a refrigerated locked container in Sector-7 Euclid SCP containment, with a temperature no greater than 10 degrees Celsius. Access to SCP-690 …
Research Log for SCP-069-J
This document contains additional information about the contents of SCP-069-J as well as collected research notes for the purpose of more efficient experimentation. Content Notes : Beginning with Chapter 1 and throughout the narrative, the protagonist repeatedly has difficulty remembering how to get to classroom 055 , and is often forced to ask ...