SCP-230 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · SCP-230 is to be given anything he requests that does not violate standard procedures for SCP containment. The door is set to automatically lock every time it closes and can only be opened from outside the room. Personnel entering SCP-230's room must wear a full HAZMAT suit with its own oxygen supply.
SCP-230 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-230是一个体格精壮、面容瘦峭的男性白人。 SCP-230身高185厘米(6英尺1英寸),体重68.04千克(150磅),外表为30岁出头。 他衣着鲜艳,喜欢粉色和黄色。 SCP-230性格非常开朗,似乎从来不会表现出负面情绪。 SCP-230的毛孔中会分泌出一种化学成分与海洛因类似的物质。 这种物质被命名为化合物- 。 从毛孔中被分泌出来后,它会立即蒸发,污染SCP-230周围的空气。 化合物- 在气体中所占体积达到百万分之三十时即可起效。 化合物- 被吸入后会引起 …
SCP-230 - 世上最GAY的人 - SCP基金會
描述: SCP-230是一名體格瘦弱且骨瘦如柴的高加索男性。 SCP-230身高185公分,體重68.04公斤,外觀年齡約為三十出頭。 他穿著輕便,特別偏好粉色與黃色衣物。 SCP-230作為一個人而言十分開朗,甚至似乎無法產生任何負面情緒。 SCP-230會從毛孔釋放一種名為 化合物的特殊物質。 其成分類似於海洛因,在離開SCP-230的毛孔之後將立即揮發,汙染其周遭的空氣。 氣態 化合物似乎僅需30ppm即可令吸入者產生極度的愉悅感。 針對D級人員的分析顯示,暴露於SCP …
SCP-230 | Villains Wiki | Fandom
SCP-230, also known as The Gayest Man Alive, is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. He is an eccentric, flamboyant adult human that secretes an addictive chemical into the air similar to heroin. The nickname "The Gayest Man Alive" is a reference to the SCP's happy nature, and not his sexual orientation.
SCP-230 | The Gayest Man Alive (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP-230 is a male Caucasian with a lean build and gaunt appearance that appears to be in his early thirties. SCP-230 is a very cheerful individual who appears to be incapable of negative...
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
2025年1月19日 · Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 1 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. SCP-031 - What is Love? SCP-122 - no more monstɘrs. SCP-161 - Pinwheel of Doom!
scp-230愉悦王 - 哔哩哔哩
描述:SCP-230是一个身材精干、面容瘦峭的男性白人。 SCP-230有185厘米(6英尺1英寸)高,68.04公斤,外表为30代前半。 他穿着明亮的衣服,喜欢粉色和黄色。 SCP-230被描述为一个开朗的人,似乎从来不会表现出负面的情绪。 SCP-230的毛孔中会分泌出一种化学成分与海洛因类似的物质。 这种物质被命名为化合物- 。 从毛孔中被分泌出来后,它会迅速蒸发,对SCP-230周围的空气造成污染。 根据估计,化合物- 在它的气态浓度达到30%时开始生效。 被人体吸入后, …
SCP-230 - 世界上最愉悦的人 - 哔哩哔哩
描述: scp-230是一个体格精壮、面容瘦峭的男性白人。scp-230身高185厘米(6英尺1英寸),体重68.04千克(150磅),外表为30岁出头。他衣着鲜艳,喜欢粉色和黄色。scp-230性格非常开朗,似乎从来不会表现出负面情绪。
SCP-230 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-230. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-230 is kept in a sealed air-controlled room. He is allowed anything he wants as long as it doesn't violate his containment procedures. Anyone exposed to his chemicals are to be quarantined.
SCP-230 "The Gayest Man Alive" - Amino Apps
Description: SCP-230 is a male Caucasian with a lean build and gaunt appearance. SCP-230 is 185 cm (6 ft 1 in) tall, 68.04 kg (150 lbs), and appears to be in his early thirties. He wears bright clothing and prefers the colors pink and yellow. SCP-230 is a very cheerful individual who appears to be incapable of negative emotions.
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