What happens if SCP-447 interact with dead bodies? : r/SCP - Reddit
2014年6月25日 · The exact effects of 447 are dependent on the number of cells in the dead body at the time of contact. If the number is odd, the cadaver erupts in a flame as hot as thermite. If it's even, zombie. But it gets more complex. If the final digit is a 2 or a 6, the zombie develops super speed and extra limbs and claws for its zombie thang.
What is with SCP-447? : r/SCP - Reddit
2014年8月7日 · Yet another fun fact: A bit of 447-2 run under Rough in 914 resulted in what I assume to be the effects of 447-2 and a dead body. [This was from a test that had been deleted, it's not present in the current test log, however I was able to pull the test from an earlier version: Input: 1 kilogram of SCP-447-2. Setting: Rough
What happens when SCP 447 touches a dead body? : r/SCP - Reddit
2022年12月17日 · Effects: Whenever SCP-447-1 or SCP-447-2 comes in contact with a mammalian-class body that exhibits brain death, the green gelatin, named SCP-447-2, begins to mold itself inexplicably without any kind of external energy, to reassemble what appears to be a parasitic ring worm, extremely similar to one of SCP-839 instances.
What does SCP 447-2 do to dead bodies? : r/SCP - Reddit
2015年5月9日 · Also, 5 random SCP's will begin to experience [DATA EXPUNGED], followed by [DATA EXPUNGED] and after [REDACTED] minutes, a large amount of [REDACTED] will materialize exactly 1 metre above them. After these two events have happened, the dead body will [DATA EXPUNGED], and it will take an average of 2 …
914 questions. Mostly involving 447. : r/SCP - Reddit
2016年2月2日 · Read the testing log of SCP-914 When they put a cadaver into SCP-914 on the Fine setting, they got a cadaver with SCP-008 And if you know 008, that's a zombie they got, and had to be terminated. When they put a cadaver into SCP-914 on the Very Fine setting, the output was a cadaver with SCP-447-2.
r/SCP on Reddit: What are the theories on what happens if 447 …
When they put a cadaver into SCP-914 on the Very Fine setting (which extremely refines objects into an often anomalous form), the output was a cadaver with SCP-447-2. Results were Data Expunged and testing with cadavers became forbidden. This seems to imply that 447 mixed with dead bodies causes something worse than just reanimating them.
What happens when SCP-447-2 (the green slime thing) touches a …
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The truth about SCP-447 and dead bodies : r/SCP - Reddit
2017年11月21日 · Putting together the pieces, I have an idea of what happens when scp-447 comes in contact with a dead body. SCP-447 historically fixes things, or makes them better. Let's assume that as soon as someone dies, their soul, spirit, personality (whatever makes them human) leaves the body. All that is left is the body itself. SCP-447 repairs the ...
What happens when SCP-447 touches a dead body? : r/SCP - Reddit
And it doesn't matter if there's an afterlife or not, because that's not why the Foundation forbids 447-2's contact with dead bodies. The true reason? 447-2 is made of souls. Souls, life-energy or what have you. That's why 447-1 has the same temperature as the human average, and that's why putting a dead body in 914 gives out 447.
SCP-447 Gray Areas? : r/SCP - Reddit
2018年9月22日 · What happens if SCP-447-2 is exposed to things that are not quite dead bodies but are somewhat close? Possible examples include: Severed body parts…