SCP-679 - SCP Foundation - scpwiki.com
To prevent potential cross contamination at no point should samples of SCP-679 and SCP-1077 be stored at the same facility. Description: SCP-679 is a fungal infection of a previously unknown Aspergillus species. It was discovered among the local homeless population in , Florida.
SCP-1789 - SCP Foundation
SCP-1789 is to be suspended via harness above a collection trough at all times. Collected samples of SCP-1789-1 are to be disposed of within three hours as a biohazard, unless samples are required for testing purposes. Any personnel found to be engaging in unauthorized communication with SCP-1789 are to be given a formal reprimand.
SCP-6787 - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure ...
SCP-6799 - SCP Foundation - scpwiki.com
SCP-6799: Shards of Glass Author: Tufto.More of their work can be found here. Image: The image belongs to Matthew Paul Argall and is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Disseminated Documentation 1985-Alpha - SCP Foundation
Excursion 310-DJ4-9LK Priming: SCP-765 (success) Trigger: Standard lethal injection Equipment: Standard Reality Description: SCP-1985 initially arrived in the core of an active volcano and expired.
SCP-6959 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-6959. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6959 is to be kept in a vacuum sealed chamber suspended by 2 surrounding electromagnets, kept charged by a constant supply of power. Generators are to be inspected every two days for faults.
Revamped Underread And Underrated - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure ...
Featured Tale Archive I - 1 through 100 - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCP Foundation Secure ...
SCP-6689 - SCP Foundation
To ensure containment of SCP-6689 while retaining conceptualization of the aforementioned constructs, the entity has been sequestered in a multicursal, metaphysical, labyrinth within the noosphere. This containment construct is established through the use of an adapted Trismegistus-Engine Totemic Signifier — designated TETS-L — and utilizes ...
SCP-2787 - SCP Foundation - scpwiki.com
Item #: SCP-2787. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: A monitoring station is to be established in the vicinity of SCP-2787-2 (Station 2787-05) to allow constant surveillance of SCP-2787-2 at all times by both electronic and visual means. A compatible file corresponding to the original design, designated SCP-2787-2’, is to ...