SCP-905 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-905 is a sentient entity composed of photons. These photons form a humanoid shape that has been described as “fuzzy, but definite”. It is roughly 1.75 m tall; however, its mass is immeasurable. SCP-905 has shown the ability to speak through the manipulation of air particles, but its mechanism to perform this is unknown.
SCP-905 - SCP基金会
scp-905以每秒0.001%的恒定比例向外辐射光子。scp-905辐射出的光子波长在380nm至780nm之间,或是在人类可见光范围之内。scp-905能够已表现出改变波长来模拟环境的能力。scp-905没有影子的特点可以使scp-905在藏起来时找到他。 scp-905缺乏吸收彩色光的能力。
SCP-905 - 變色龍先生 - SCP基金會
SCP-905每秒以約其身體體積的0.001%的恆定速率釋放光子。上述光子保持在〜380nm至〜780 nm的波長或人類可見光光譜內。 SCP-905亦能夠改變發射波長使其在環境中隱形。 SCP-905缺乏陰影的特點可以使SCP-905在隱藏問題時得以發現。 SCP-905顯示無法吸收彩色光。
SCP-905 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Mr. Chameleon, classified by the SCP Foundation as SCP-905, is a former Foundation employee changed by Doctor Wondertainment into a sentient and sapient entity made entirely out of photons that form a human shape. Chameleon, like the majority of other Little Misters, was discovered at an expunged entrance to Site- .
SCP-905 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
2012年10月7日 · SCP-905 induces severe hallucinations in infected individuals. These hallucinations vary in subject from individual to individual, but always take focus upon something that is upsetting to the individual themselves, that they would wish to change.
SCP-CN-905 - SCP基金会
scp-cn-905显现出一定的现实扭曲能力,但这种能力仅被发现能用于对某种行为的“报复”。 对SCP-CN-905的任何身份追查均告无果。 20 年 月 日,中国各大公共网络社交平台上出现关于“复仇”的广告,其广告的末尾都附上了指向www. .net的链接。
SCP-905 | Mr. Chameleon (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP-905 is a sentient entity composed of photons. These photons form a humanoid shape that has been described as “fuzzy, but definite”. It is roughly 1.75 m tall; however, its mass is...
SCP-905 变色龙先生 SCP-909 健忘先生 SCP-913 饥饿先生
scp-905以每秒0.001%的恒定比例向外辐射光子。scp-905辐射出的光子波长在380nm至780nm之间,或是在人类可见光范围之内。scp-905能够已表现出改变波长来模拟环境的能力。scp-905没有影子的特点可以在scp-905藏起来是找到他。 scp-905缺乏吸收彩色光的能力。
SCP-905-JP - SCP International - Wikidot
Description: SCP-905-JP is a phenomenon occurring on a commercial airliner in service in countries that use English as their primary language. When SCP-905-JP manifests, every noise made by the passengers, crew and pilot (which includes footsteps, door-opening and closing sounds, sneeze, etc.) start creating a certain recognizable rhythm. 30 ...
SCP-905 - SCPOneCanonProject Wiki
SCP-905 is a sentient male entity consisting entirely of photons. The photons making up SCP-905 form a 1.75 meter tall humanoid shape with fuzzy but definite edges to it.