Playstation 1 - RetroPie Docs
Emulators: lr-pcsx_rearmed, PCSX-ReARMed, lr-beetle-psx lr-pcsx_rearmed Recommended for Raspberry Pi 2-4. The features of RetroArch combined with PCSX-ReARMed's excellent …
PSX - some bios files are missing? (RetroPie Manager)
2017年4月10日 · Yeah, i know. And i know it is not allowed to ask but where can i get these files!? O.o If i look on github there is only a complete .zip with mysterious file endings in there :D
PSX Bios installed but not recognized - RetroPie Forum
2017年8月31日 · I installed three PSX BIOS Files in the BIOS folder. (scph5500.bin, scph5501.bin scph5502.bin) The md5 checksum is correct for these files. Also, I installed the retropie …
RetroPie PCSX (PSX) Japanese BIOS - RetroPie Forum
2016年5月27日 · I have RetroPie setup to play the US version of PlayStation games but I can't get the Japanese games to work. I have these PSX BIOS files in my BIOS directory right now …
Systems in RetroPie
All pixel consoles hand drawn by the talented Rookervik – Please give proper attribution if you use the console images.
scph5501.bin file missing Ubuntu 18 - RetroPie Forum
2023年5月23日 · @lexieye said in scph5501.bin file missing Ubuntu 18: @lexieye I’m thinking RetroPie is working properly is because I’m trying to play Crash Bandicoot USA version and …
need help Psx Emulation can load games ...! - RetroPie Forum
2024年2月10日 · @akumoo If you can, try the same game but find it from a different source. Just to rule out that it's not a rom issue. You can try and the lr-pcsx-rearmed emulator. Do you have …
Retro Pie 4.2 PSX "Bios not found" - RetroPie Forum
2017年4月19日 · Same issue. RetroPie is installed on a Pi3, ROMs are on a USB flash drive formatted to FAT32. ROMs are in retropie/roms/psx The emulator sees without issues: CTR - …
SCPH1001.BIN not recognized - RetroPie Forum
2017年9月19日 · Hi, I am trying to figure out the PSX emulator on my retropie3 and I think I'm almost getting there. scph5500.bin scph5502.bin and scph5503.bin are in the Bi...
Error Firmware is missing - RetroPie Forum
2020年4月20日 · I don't understand what i am doing wrong here. When launching any psx rom. I get "firmware is missing: scph5501.bin". I have the bios file (SCPH5501.BIN) is ...