Axial SCX6 4WD RC Rock Crawler - Axial Adventure
With its massive 1/6 scale RC size, versatile two-speed transmission, and unstoppable Axial engineering, the SCX6 takes RC scaling to a whole new level. At 1/6 scale, the ready-to-run SCX6 platform brings a new dimension to radio control crawling — …
20220921 AXIAL SCX6 1/6 Trail Honcho半卡 小胖评测 - RCFans
2022年9月21日 · 知名攀爬品牌axial在2021年10月推出第一台scx6 1/6牧马人,拉开了更大型仿真攀爬的序幕。 随后将近1年后,2022年9月,推出了同平台的第二款车型:SCX6 Trail Honcho半卡。
1/6 SCX6 Trail Honcho 4X4 RTR Brushed Rock Crawler, Red - Axial …
For those who want the biggest, baddest RC rock crawler ever, the legendary Axial ® Honcho ™ is now available on the 1/6 scale SCX6 ™ 4WD platform. With its 2-speed transmission and powerful Spektrum ™ Smart electronics, this massive RTR is an absolute beast!
1/6 SCX6 Jeep JLU Wrangler 4X4 RTR Brushed Rock Crawler, Green | Axial …
With its 1/6 scale size, popular Jeep ® styling, and unstoppable Axial ® engineering, the SCX6 ™ Jeep ® JLU Wrangler 4WD takes RC scaling to an exciting new level. Just add your choice of suitable battery and take on the rocks!
RCFans论坛 【新车开箱】AXIAL SCX6 1/6攀爬车 - Powered by …
2018年10月21日 · RCFans论坛 【新车开箱】AXIAL SCX6 1/6攀爬车 - Powered by Discuz! 大! 把车从外箱拿出来才明白,原来开箱是个体力活,因为这真的太 大 了! 然后正好手边有一台FMS 1/12吉姆尼。 道理我都懂,但为什么这台车能这么大呢? 引擎进气口并不是一张贴纸,而是把水冷的细节都还原出来了,但前轮罩挡泥板上的灯组是一张贴纸,而且也没有预留孔位加装灯杯灯组,如果需要加灯的话需要玩家下点功夫构思一下了。 在这里也希望厂家能出相关的升级件能 …
Axial 推出大比例的攀爬车 SCX6 - RCFans
2015年10月21日 · 整车长度达到852mm,Axial认为1/6的全新比例让SCX6进入了新领域,意味着更强劲的越野通过性和攀登性能。 首发提供两款颜色供选择:分别是绿色车壳,产品编号AXI05000T1;银色车壳,产品编号AXI05000T2。
Axial RC Crawler 1/6 SCX6 Trail Honcho 4WD RTR (Transmitter …
2022年9月28日 · Measuring over 2-1/2 feet long and topped off with a modernized Honcho body, the Axial SCX6 Honcho 4WD RTR is the rig that will take your rock crawling and climbing adventures to an exciting new level.
1/6 SCX6 Trail Honcho 4X4 RTR Brushed Rock Crawler, Red - Horizon Hobby
For those who want the biggest, baddest RC rock crawler ever, the legendary Axial ® Honcho ™ is now available on the 1/6 scale SCX6 ™ 4WD platform. With its 2-speed transmission and powerful Spektrum ™ Smart electronics, this massive RTR is an absolute beast!
Axial SCX6 Trail Honcho 1/6 4WD RTR Electric Rock Crawler (Red ...
Measuring over 2-1/2 feet long and topped off with a modernized Honcho body, the Axial SCX6 Honcho 4WD RTR is the rig that will take your rock crawling and climbing adventures to an exciting new level.
Axial RC Crawler 1/6 SCX6 Trail Honcho 4 Wheel Drive RTR …
2022年9月28日 · It's the biggest, baddest RC rock crawler ever! The SCX6 Honcho is engineered for extreme durability and performance, as shown by its AR90 axles with metal ring and pinion gears and front offset pumpkin. For optimal handling, the chassis has a three-link front and four-link rear suspension setup and metal links are used at all suspension points.