Maultier - Wikipedia
Maultier (English: "mule") or Sd.Kfz. 3 is the name given to series of half-track trucks used by Nazi Germany during World War II. They were based on Opel, Mercedes-Benz, Alfa Romeo or Ford trucks.
二战德国Sd.kfz.251各子型号总览(全站最全) - 哔哩哔哩
2023年2月1日 · 重型火箭发射平台(也称为“Stuka zum Fuss”陆地斯图卡),配备了六颗巨大的280mm的Srengranate(HE火箭弹)或320mm的燃烧弹,多为凝固汽油弹,它们被统称为Wurfrahmen 40,射程分别为1.9公里和2.2公里。 (有模型称这种型号为Sdkfz251/2,个人认为不准确) Sd.Kfz.251/1 III mittlerer Schützenpanzerwagen(IR)“Falke” 是标准的Ausf.D车型(大部分),专门配备红外线设备,与其他装甲车辆一起用于夜间行动。 也用于陪同豹式坦克 …
德国轮式装甲车专栏:Sd.Kfz 234 - 哔哩哔哩
Sd.Kfz 234/3是装备75mm短管炮的版本,以取代Sd.Kfz 233来执行火力支援和侦查任务,武器为1门KwK51型75mm/L24坦克炮,与一挺MG-42机枪一起安装在敞开式战斗室前,从1944年6月到12月一共生产了88辆。
List of Sd.Kfz. designations - Wikipedia
Sonderkraftfahrzeug (abbreviated Sd.Kfz., [1] German for "special purpose vehicle") was the ordnance inventory designation used by Nazi Germany before and during World War II for military vehicles; for example Sd.Kfz. 101 for the Panzer I, and Sd.Kfz. 251 for the armored personnel carrier made by Hanomag.
German WW2 heavy utility half track - Truck Encyclopedia
Sd.Kfz.3 Opel Maultier Nazi Germany (1942-44) - Utility Half Track - circa 8,000 built The Open Maultier was the conversion of the proflific and trusted German Opel Blitz to a track system to cope with the conditions on the eastern front in WW2.
二战坦克装甲车——德国半履带车系列及变形车 - 知乎
Sdkfz 6/3(“Diana”戴安娜半履带76.2mm自行反坦克炮) 这个是支援非洲战场的临时改装车,生产数量不多,装载的是缴获自苏联的76.2mm F22型加农炮。 装备时间:1941年
Maultier (Sd.Kfz.3) (halftrack truck) - history of development and …
After the invasion of the Soviet Union, German troops quickly found out what problems awaited them in difficult terrain without major paved road infrastructure. Especially in the period of "rasputice". It was a period when the whole flat country, …
SdKfz 3 Maultier | World War II Wiki | Fandom
The SdKfz 3 Maultier, or Mule in English, was a half-track used by Germany during World War II. The Maultier was created by converting existing trucks, mainly of Opel, Mercedes-Benz and Ford make, by removing the rear axles and replacing them with new driveshafts linking to Panzer I …
“沙漠之狐”与他的“狮鹫”--二战最著名的SD.KFZ.250/3型半履带装 …
Sd.kfz.250 ( Sonderkraftfahrzeug 250 ;“特种机动车辆")是一种轻型装甲半履带车,在外观上与由Hanomag设计的Sd.Kfz.251型半履带装甲车非常相似。 由DEMAG公司建造,并于第二次世界大战中大量使用。 1939 年,摩托化部队监察局 (AHA/In 6) 决定在未来的战场中让装甲半履带车陪同坦克使用。 同时可以满足运载半个排的兵力、炮兵观察员使用无线电通讯和侦察小队任务的轻型车辆要求。 于是委托DEMAG公司进行设计并开发。 军工企业DEMAG公司当时以设计小型半履带 …
Gepanzerte Kraftwagen (Sd. Kfz. 3) - Kfz. der Wehrmacht
Gepanzerte Kraftwagen (Sd. Kfz. 3) The Reichswehr was allowed to have 105 Straßenpanzerkraftwagen by the victorious powers, which were already developed by Krupp and Daimler during World War I. With the order published in the H.V.Bl. 1922, No. 24 from 20th May 1922, serial No. 317 the vehicles were renamed to Gepanzerte Kraftwagen ( Gp. Kw. ).