Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport - Wikipedia
Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport (IATA: SDF, ICAO: KSDF, FAA LID: SDF), also known by its former official names Louisville International Airport and Standiford Field, is a civil-military airport in Louisville in Jefferson County, Kentucky.
rdkit 读取mol sdf 的名字和自定义属性字段 - 永远的幻想 - 博客园
2020年9月16日 · 1 _Name 是隐藏的属性,默认就是rdkit parse出的第一行文本,如果sdf第一行是整个数据库的文字说明之类,那么第一个分子的_Name属性是就是这段说明,可能不能正确得到name
SDF(signed distance field)基础理论和计算 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SDF (Signed Distance Field)在3d和2d中都有对应的应用。 在3d中光线追踪对于性能的消耗过大,所以sdf常常被用来作为物体的隐式表达,配合 ray marching 达到接近光线追踪的效果,也有比如 deepSDF 这种对于模型的隐式表达方面的应用。 在2d中,sdf常常被用来表示字体,原神的面部渲染中阴影部分贴图也是基于sdf生成的。 SDF的本质就是存储每个点到图形的最近距离,即将模型划出一个表面,在模型表面外侧的点数值大于0,在模型表面内侧的点数值小于0,如下所 …
2023年8月17日 · SDF空间数据文件是一种简单的开放式地理空间数据格式,具有有限的属性创建功能,可以帮助您充分发挥Autodesk 地理空间软件的FDO 能力。 SDF 是FDO 关于 SDF 介绍
【第二期】实用化学结构命名及文件格式转换工具汇总 - 知乎
Chemical Identifier Resolver可通过浏览器访问。在输入框中输入化学结构名称,将其转换成结构或者其它类型的命名。目前该服务支持IUPAC Name, CAS, InChI, InChIKey, Smiles, sdf等多种常见命名及文件格式。
2.5: Structural Data Files - Chemistry LibreTexts
2022年8月21日 · With this page you can draw a structure in 2D, compare that with its 3D structure, and also see its structural data in a variety of formats. You can also enter a chemical identifier -- a chemical name, a SMILES string, or a Chemical Abstracts Registry Number, for instance -- in the box under the JSmol window.
Getting name of a molecule after loading with SDMolSupplier #5282 - GitHub
I want to access the names of my ligands from my sdf file in the rdkit molecule object. Something that seems very straightforward to me, yet I haven't found anyone showing how or any methods that could apply. A simple minimal example is that I load my ligans with. lig. GetName () …
Chemical table file - Wikipedia
SDF is one of a family of chemical-data file formats developed by MDL; it is intended especially for structural information. "SDF" stands for structure-data format, and SDF files actually wrap the molfile (MDL Molfile) format. Multiple records are delimited by lines consisting of four dollar signs ($$$$). A key feature of this format is its ...
RDKit|一站式搞定分子读取、输出、可视化 - 简书
2020年4月19日 · 从.sdf里批量读取:SDMolSupplier(fileName, sanitize, removeHs, strictParsing) fileName:文件名 sanitize:检查化合价,计算芳香性、共轭、杂化、kekule,默认True
Semantic Definition Format (SDF)
1 天前 · sdf-pointer to definition being referenced [RFC-ietf-asdf-sdf-23] IETF: sdfRequired: pointer-list to declarations of required components [RFC-ietf-asdf-sdf-23] ... Name Description type JSON Representation Reference Change Controller; byte-string: A sequence of zero or more bytes: string: base64url without padding [RFC 8949, Section]