Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) | #LeadingSDG4 - UNESCO
SDG4 is a commitment to "ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all." This goal is a pivotal driver for positive change, emphasizing the transformative power of education in fostering a sustainable and equitable world.
Goal 4: Quality education - The Global Goals
Target 4.a INCREASE THE SUPPLY OF QUALIFIED TEACHERS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States.
Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Wikipedia
Sustainable Development Goal 4, or SDG 4, is a commitment to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. This goal aims to provide children and young people with quality and easy access to education, as well as other learning opportunities, and supports the reduction of inequalities.
Sustainable Development Goal 4: 优质教育 | 联合国在中国
4.4 到2030年,大幅增加掌握就业、体面工作和创业所需相关技能,包括技术性和职业性技能的青年和成年人数。 4.5 到2030年,消除教育中的性别差距,确保残疾人、土著居民和处境脆弱儿童等弱势群体平等获得各级教育和职业培训。
Goal 4 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs
2025年2月5日 · Goal 4 strongly supports the reduction of persistent disparities. Worldwide, in 2013, two thirds of the 757 million adults (aged 15 and over) who were unable to read and write were women....
SDG Goal 4: Quality Education - UNICEF DATA
Goal 4 aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. This goal supports the reduction of disparities and inequities in education, both in terms of access and quality.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4) | United Nations Western …
Goal 4: Quality Education Education enables upward socioeconomic mobility and is a key to escaping poverty. Over the past decade, major progress was made towards increasing access to education and school enrollment rates at all levels, particularly for girls.
Education 2030 | #LeadingSDG4 | Education2030 - UNESCO
Lifelong learning is key to overcoming global challenges and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Data and evidence inform policy makers about which policies and programmes work and which may not.
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and
Quality education is hampered by the lack of trained teachers and adequate school facilities. Achieving this Goal will require intensified efforts, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and...
SDG4 - NCHU-SDG04 - 資源情報站 at National Chung Hsing …
2025年3月18日 · SDG4; 圖書資源Books; 期刊資源 Journals; 熱門研究 Hot Topics; 頂尖期刊論文 Top Articles; SDG-4. SDG-4. 聯合國 UN Research. Books and articles. UN documents. More resources. ... 目標4:品質教育 About Goal 4:Quality Education. 永續發展目標SDGs目標4是「 ...