Which RSP? - SDRplay
The RSP1B is the best low-cost choice for anyone wanting a well-supported general coverage receiver which in most circumstances performs as well as a more conventional communications radio. The RSPdx has the advantage of three software selectable antenna ports and a special “HDR” mode for better dynamic range below 2MHz.
RSPdx - SDRplay
The SDRplay RSPdx is a single-tuner wideband full featured 14-bit SDR which covers the entire RF spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz giving up to 10MHz of spectrum visibility. It contains three antenna ports, two of which use SMA connectors and operate across the full 1 kHz to 2 GHz range and the third uses a BNC connector which operates up to 200MHz.
SDRplay RSP2 和 SDRuno 使用入门 - 哔哩哔哩
SDRplay RSP2 (124-9619) 是一款软件定义的无线电 (SDR) 接收器。 简单来说,这意味着该接收器使用电脑处理收到的无线电信号。 它的工作频率从 1kHz 到 2GHz,因此可以收听业余无线电、短波电台、飞机和航运信号,以及 FM 和 MW 无线电台的所有频道。
SDRplay SDRplay RSPdx - Ham Radio Outlet
The SDRplay RSPdx is a complete redesign of the popular RSP 2 and RSP 2 pro multi antenna receiver. It’s a wideband full featured 14 bit SDR which covers the entire RF spectrum from 1 kHz to 2 GHz. Combined with the power of readily available SDR receiver software (including SDRuno supplied by SDRplay) you can monitor up to 10 MHz spectrum at ...
SDRplay RSP Omni-Rig HDSDR CWSKIMMER配置教程 20170202 …
2016年12月23日 · 今天向大家介绍如何使sdrplay的rsp与我们的电台频率同步,配合hdsdr和cwskimmer实现莫尔斯解码,cwskimmer可以实现一定带宽内的所有cw模式信号同时解码,这样我们可以通过cwskimmer 窗口查看有哪些电台在工作,很容意发现我们需要的dx电台,另外远征 …
在Linux上使用SDRPlay RSP系列设备 (gqrx) - 哔哩哔哩
在SDRPlay官网下载界面 https://www.sdrplay.com/downloads/ 选择好型号(我使用RSP1)和操作系统(Linux/x86) 之后选择API下载. 勾选API 3.0.7(不是build script,但想尝试也不是不可以) 下载得到脚本改权限运行就好。 脚本成功运行后在/usr/local/lib下会得到libsdrplay_api.so. ldconfig刷新动态链接缓存后应该能在ldconfig -p里看到。 如果没有就尝试在/etc/ld.so.conf.d里新建一个.conf文件,再ldconfig刷新缓存,检查有没有相应条目.
Reviews For: SDRplay RSP1 and RSP1A - eHam.net
The RSP1A at £100 plus the free spectrum analyser software from the SDRPlay web site gave us the tools we needed to scan for spurious emissions on all frequencies from LW to 2GHz! We set up a simple test range at a relatively isolated location and completed the tests in a few hours.
SDRplay SDRplay RSPdx-R2 - Ham Radio Outlet
The SDRplay RSPdx-R2 is an enhanced version of the popular RSPdx and is a wideband full-featured 14-bit SDR which covers the entire RF spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz. Combined with the power of readily available SDR receiver software (including ‘SDRuno’ for Windows and Multi-Platform ‘SDRconnect’ supplied by SDRplay) you can monitor up to ...
RSPdx-R2 - SDRplay
The SDRplay RSPdx-R2 is a single-tuner wideband full featured 14-bit SDR which covers the entire RF spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz giving up to 10MHz of spectrum visibility. It contains three antenna ports, two of which use SMA connectors and operate across the full 1 kHz to 2 GHz range and the third uses a BNC connector which operates up to 200MHz.
RSP1B - SDRplay
The RSP1B is an enhanced version of the RSP1A our popular lowest cost receiver—it is a powerful wideband full featured 14 bit SDR and perfect as an all round general coverage communications receiver plus much much more.