SE3R - Forensic Solutions - Professor Eric Shepherd
SE3R was devised by Eric Shepherd. It is a technique that gives the practitioner a sound grasp of – and immediately stores in memory without any conscious effort – the fine-grain detail contained within documents – such as statements – and in verbal exchanges – typically interviews – conducted face-to-face or on the telephone, or ...
Using SE3R is a skill SE3R techniques maximise capture and grasp of detail. It takes practice to apply these techniques skilfully and at speed. in the early stages: you will need to think that bit harder than conventional note-taking you will take more time applying SE3R than if you had used conventional note-taking
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司法面接支援室: 技術情報
司法面接研修では記録や整理のためにSE3Rというシートを使っています。SE3RはShepherd(2007)により考案され,「Survey, Extract, Read, Review, Respond」の頭文字を取ってこう呼ばれます。
Purchase SE3R - Forensic Solutions - Professor Eric Shepherd
SE3R instantly reveals critical material and the whole range of oddity that can occur in text. You are immediately able to do something about it: identifying and prioritising areas for probing and further investigation; planning and preparing for a subsequent interview; keeping track of disclosures and behaviour in the interview.
实验动物的“3Rs”原则--中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所实验动 …
实验动物的“3Rs”原则 实验动物3R原则是指:Reduction(减少) Replacement(替代) Refinement(优化) Reduction (减少)是指减少试验的次数和试验用的动物,同时保证数据信息的数量与精确度。
3Rs Principles – KIC3Rs
러셀 교수와 버치 박사의 인도적 동물실험의 3Rs 원칙(감소, 완화 및 개선, 대체)는 1954년 UFAW의 주관 하에 실시된 프로젝트의 결과물이며, 1959년 『인도적 동물실험의 원칙(The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique)』이라는 제목의 책으로 출간되었습니다.
分散金黄SE-3R CAS#: - ChemicalBook
ChemicalBook 致力于为化学行业用户提供分散金黄SE-3R的性质、化学式、分子式、比重、密度,同时也包括分散金黄SE-3R的沸点、熔点、MSDS、用途、作用、毒性、价格、生产厂家、用途、上游原料、下游产品等信息。
3Rs Training – 3Rs Explosives Safety Education Program
2025年1月28日 · 3Rs Safety Training now available! Take this training to learn about the 3Rs (Recognize, Retreat, Report) and the dangers associated with military munitions. For the best experience, we recommend using Google Chrome. The training will guide you through the course, followed by a test.