Preparation and characterization of SeO2/TiO2 composite …
2015年3月5日 · XPS has been used to analyze composition and chemical states of the components in the samples. The XPS survey spectrum (Fig. 7 a) of the SeO 2 /TiO 2 indicates the peaks of elements Ti, Se, O, and C. Fig. 7 b–d shows …
SeO2 adsorption on CaO surface: DFT and experimental study …
2017年10月31日 · The superficial and total SeO 2 mass fractions were measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), respectively. The surface valence state and bulk structure are determined by XPS and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD).
XPS study of some selected selenium compounds - ScienceDirect
1986年1月1日 · X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of the Se 3d peak for Se in Se, SeO 2, As 2 Se 3, ZnSe, CdSe, CoSe, FeSe, CrSe, VSe 2 and TiSe were studied.
Selenium (Se), Z=34 – The International XPS Database 1
The Basic XPS Information Section provides fundamental XPS spectra, BE values, FWHM values, BE tables, overlays of key spectra, histograms and a table of XPS parameters. The Advanced XPS Information Section is a collection of additional spectra, overlays of spectra, peak-fit advice, data collection guidance, material info,
Figure S7. XPS Se 3d scans of (i) starting SeO 2 (white powder), (ii)...
Microstructure evolution of ceria-based mixed oxides CeO2-MO2 (M ) Si4+, Ti4+, and Zr4+) after thermal treatments in the temperature range of 773-1073 K were investigated by X-ray diffraction...
一些选定的硒化合物的 XPS 研究,Journal of Electron Spectroscopy …
摘要 研究了Se、SeO 2 、As 2 Se 3 、ZnSe、CdSe、CoSe、FeSe、CrSe、VSe 2 和TiSe中Se 3 d峰的X射线光电子能谱 (XPS)。 发现,首先,在 As 2 Se 3 、ZnSe、CdSe、CoSe 和 CrSe 的情况下,随着阴离子电负性变化的增加,Se 3 d 峰的结合能值的变化也增加,并且其次,在所有研究的 Se 化合物中,纯 Se 中的 Se-Se 键强于 Se-x 键,其中 x = As、Zn、Cd、Co、Fe、Cr、V 和 Ti。 摘要 研究了Se、SeO 2 、As 2 Se 3 、ZnSe、CdSe、CoSe、FeSe、CrSe、VSe 2 …
硒在活性炭表面的转化机理:实验与密度泛函理论研究,Journal of …
2023年9月4日 · XPS 谱图显示,SeO2 在交流表面上的分解和还原行为促进了 Se0 形式的硒的存在。 DFT 计算表明,SeO2 化学吸附在交流电的典型扶手椅和锯齿形表面上,最稳定结构的吸附能分别为 -89.77 和 -235.12 kcal/mol。
Fig. 3 XPS spectra of the Se 3d region obtained for each layer...
XPS spectra displaying the Se 3d and O 1s regions of the lms treated at each temperature are presented in Fig. 3 and 4 respectively. XPS spectra for the Zn 2p regions can be found in the ESI Fig....
2023年2月18日 · 从图7中根据XPS谱图中特征峰位置可以看出MgO吸附产物中的Se主要以SeO 3 2-与SeO 2 存在。尽管MgO的比表面积相比于CaO更大,但MgO对Se的吸附能力远低于CaO,这可能与Ca、Mg的电负性有关。
In situ growth of SeO x films on the surface of Ni–Fe–selenide ...
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled with elemental mapping were used to characterize the morphologies of the products. The micro-nanostructures were recorded using HRTEM. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed on a Kratos Analytical AXIS Supra system.