Nereids - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, the Nereids or Nereides (/ ˈnɪəriɪdz / NEER-ee-idz; Ancient Greek: Νηρηΐδες, romanized: Nērēḯdes; sg. Νηρηΐς, Nērēḯs, also Νημερτές) are sea nymphs (female spirits of sea waters), the 50 daughters of the ' Old Man of the Sea ' Nereus and the Oceanid Doris, sisters to their brother Nerites. [1] .
NEREIDS (Nereides) - Sea Nymphs of Greek Mythology
THE NEREIDES (Nereids) were fifty sea-nymphe daughters of Nereus the old man of the sea. They were goddesses of the sea's rich bounty and protectors of sailors and fishermen, coming to the aid of those in distress.
Nereid | Sea Nymphs, Poseidon & Oceanids | Britannica
Nereid, in Greek religion, any of the daughters (numbering 50 or 100) of the sea god Nereus (eldest son of Pontus, a personification of the sea) and of Doris, daughter of Oceanus (the god of the water encircling the flat Earth). The Nereids were depicted as …
Nereids - Mythopedia
2023年3月11日 · The Nereids were the fifty daughters of the sea gods Nereus and Doris. Numbered among the nymphs—female divinities who took the form of beautiful young women—the Nereids were widely regarded as kind and helpful sea deities. The most famous among them were Amphitrite, Galatea, and Thetis.
涅瑞伊得斯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
涅瑞伊得斯 (希腊语: 單數: Νηρείς[a], 複數: Νηρείδες 或 Νηρηίδες,荷馬史詩: Νηρεΐδες, 阿提卡方言: Νηρῇδες),即 海仙女,是 希腊神话 中的一种 海洋 女神。 它们是有着藍色頭髮的海之 宁芙, 涅柔斯 和 多里斯 的五十个女儿。 他们一家都居住在地中海,同 波塞冬 做伴,并乐于帮助同與风暴作斗争的古代水手。 她们之中最有名的是 忒提斯,是 珀琉斯 的妻子和 阿喀琉斯 的母亲;以及 安菲特里忒 (有时也被归入 水仙女),是海神 波塞冬 的妻子,常被称为海后。
Nereids in Greek Mythology - Greek Legends and Myths
These 50 Nereids were the daughters of the ancient sea god Nereus, and his wife Doris, an Oceanid. The Nereids were said to be beautiful young maidens, commonly found frolicking amongst the waves of the Mediterranean, or sunning themselves on rocky outcrops.
Nereids :: The Sea Nymphs - Greek Mythology
The Nereids are a group of fifty sea nymphs, daughters of the ancient sea god Nereus and the Oceanid Doris. Renowned for their beauty, kindness, and benevolence towards sailors, the Nereids personify the friendly and nurturing aspects of the sea.
Nereid - Sea Nymphs in Greek Mythology | Mythology.net
2016年11月20日 · What is a Nereid? The Nereids are a group of fifty sea nymphs, daughters of Nereus and Doris, who are famous for their beauty and gentleness. Together, they represent everything good about the ocean, from its sparkling waves to its swift currents and bounty of fish.
Nereids: The Sea Nymphs of Greek Mythology - Symbol Sage
2023年7月25日 · The Nereid Amphitrite is one of the most famous of the sea nymphs in Greek mythology because she was the wife of Poseidon, the Olympian sea god. Initially, Amphitrite didn’t take kindly to Poseidon trying to make her his wife and she would flee to the furthest extremes of the ocean whenever he tried to approach her.
The Nymphs of the Sea: Understanding the Nereids in Greek …
2024年11月1日 · The Nereids are enchanting sea nymphs in Greek mythology, known for their beauty and benevolence. They are often depicted as graceful maidens who inhabit the depths of the ocean, embodying the serenity and mystery of the sea.