Deep-Water Larvacean, or “Sea-Tadpole” - Smithsonian Ocean
In the icy waters of the Arctic, a deep-water larvacean (aka “sea tadpole” because it looks like a tadpole) drifts through the water in its 'house.' This house is made of protein and creates …
Tunicates—Not So Spineless Invertebrates | Smithsonian Ocean
A deep-water larvacean (aka “sea tadpole”) inside its mucous “house,” which concentrates food from the water prior to reaching the animal’s mouth. (Hidden Ocean 2005, NOAA) The most …
SEA TADPOLE - gatech.edu
So we invented SEA TADPOLE to solve spectral interferometry's alignment problems. Among other advantages, it doesn't use very-difficult-to-align collinear beams. You can read more …
Directly measuring the spatio-temporal electric field of ultrashort ...
Recently, we introduced a new high-spectral-resolution and experimentally simple spectral-interferometry method for measuring the intensity and phase of potentially complicated …
SEA TADPOLE - Swamp Optics
SEA TADPOLE measures shaped pulses and/or the complete spatio-temporal intensity and phase. Once a pulse has been measured using FROG or GRENOUILLE, it can be used as a …
Larvacean - Wikipedia
Larvaceans, copelates or appendicularians, class Appendicularia, are solitary, free-swimming tunicates found throughout the world's oceans. While larvaceans are filter feeders like most …
SEA TADPOLE achieves spectral super-resolution, yielding the pulse spectrum with even better resolution. Avoiding collinear beams and using fiber coupling also vastly simplify alignment. …
SEA TADPOLE Measurement - gatech.edu
Since SEA TADPOLE uses a fiber as its input, it also has spatial resolution! Scanning it around in space, we can also use it to measure the complete spatio-temporal intensity and phase of an …
Careproctus reinhardti, Sea tadpole - FishBase
Deep-water; 81°N - 45°N, 61°W - 140°E. Arctic: Kara and Laptev seas. Atlantic: Faroe-Shetland Channel to the Norwegian Sea, Spitsbergen, Murmansk and throughout Barents Sea; one …
These gorgeous, intricate sea creatures are actually giant blobs of ...
2020年6月5日 · These tadpole-looking sea animals are called giant larvaceans (Bathochordaeus); but despite their name, the animals are less than 4inches (10 centimeters) long, according to a …