de Havilland Sea Venom - Wikipedia
The de Havilland DH.112 Sea Venom is a British postwar carrier-capable jet aircraft developed from the de Havilland Venom. It served with the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm and with the Royal Australian Navy. The French Navy operated the Aquilon, developed from the Sea Venom FAW.20, built under licence by SNCASE (Sud-Est).
Sea Venom (missile) - Wikipedia
Sea Venom is an Anglo-French lightweight anti-ship missile developed by MBDA to equip the French Navy and the Royal Navy. [2] The missile is known as Anti-Navire Léger (ANL) in France and Sea Venom (formerly "Future Anti-Surface Guided Weapon (Heavy)") in
MBDA is developing SEA VENOM/ANL, an helicopter-launched, over-the-horizon anti-ship weapon system, jointly funded by the UK and French Governments. It is the next generation multi-role surface attack weapon.
First Sea Venom missile firing from Royal Navy Wildcat helicopter
2024年10月10日 · MBDA’s Sea Venom helicopter-launched anti-ship missile has completed a first guided firing from a Royal Navy (RN) Wildcat HMA.2 helicopter. Performed on the UK Ministry of Defence’s Aberporth range off west Wales, the live fire trial saw the Sea Venom weapon successfully impact a target barge.
デ・ハビランド ベノム - Wikipedia
デ・ハビランド DH.112 ベノム (de Havilland DH.112 Venom) は、イギリスの航空機メーカー、デ・ハビランド社で開発され世界各国で使用されたジェット戦闘機。 ベノム (Venom) とは、毒液もしくは悪意といった意味があり、ヴェノムとも表記する。
Sea Venom - Think Defence
2022年11月20日 · Sea Venom is the name for the Future Air to Surface Guided Weapon – Heavy (FASGW(H)), a replacement for Sea Skua. MBDA describe it as; Capable of defeating the most challenging target set presented by today’s open water and littoral maritime operations, the new weapon features significant advances on both Sea Skua and AS15TT.
de Havilland DH112 Venom & Sea Venom - BAE Systems
The De Havilland Aircraft Company DH112 Venom was a post-war single-engined jet fighter. It was a development of the DH100 Vampire but with a thinner wing section and wing leading edge sweep.
Royal Navy’s Sea Venom light anti-ship missile full operating ...
2023年6月21日 · Sea Venom is a high-subsonic, light anti-ship missile with a range of more than 20 km and designed to counter small combatants up to the size of corvettes or small frigates. It carries a 30 kg semi-armour piercing fragmentation warhead optimised for attacking ships but can be used to attack small land targets.
MBDA achève les tirs de qualification du missile Sea Venom/ANL
2020年11月26日 · MBDA a réalisé avec succès, le 17 novembre, le dernier tir de qualification du missile antinavire Sea Venom/ANL sur le site d’essai DGA de l’Ile du Levant. Le missile antinavire Sea Venom/ANL, qui équipera bientôt les hélicoptères Wildcat AW159 de la Royal Navy et H160M Guépard de la Marine Nationale, est un programme en ...
[3.0] DH Venom / DH Sea Vixen - AirVectors
The Sea Vixen was an entirely new aircraft that only retained the twin-boom general configuration of the Vampire / Venom. It had swept wings, more or less derived from the DH.108, that folded up outboard of the tailbooms.
Sea Venom Anti Ship Missile AGM ASM MBDA Royal Navy
Sea Venom is an Anglo-French lightweight anti-ship missile developed by MBDA to equip the French Navy and the Royal Navy. The missile is known as Anti-Navire Léger (ANL) in France and Sea Venom (formerly Future Anti-Surface Guided Weapon (Heavy)) in the United Kingdom.
Royal Navy Wildcat Helicopter Fires Sea Venom Missile for First …
2024年10月10日 · The Royal Navy has conducted the first guided test firing of the air-launched Sea Venom anti-ship missile. A Wildcat HMA Mk2 attack helicopter struck a target barge with the MBDA missile, marking a major milestone in the integration of Sea Venom with the aircraft.
Fleet Air Arm: Sea Venom - Nepean Naval Museum
The de Havilland Sea Venom was a British postwar carrier-capable jet aircraft developed from the de Havilland Venom. It served with the Royal Australian Navy, the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm and with the French Navy. The Sea Venom was the navalised version of the Venom NF.2 two-seat night fighter, and was used as an all-weather interceptor.
Accident de Havilland DH.112 Sea Venom FAW.21 WW142, …
Written off 7.1.1956: Went missing on a night intercept sortie from HMS Ark Royal while operating in the Mediterranean Sea off Philippeville, Algeria (at approximate coordinates 38'33"N, 7'19"E) during "Exercise Cascade III".
Wildcat helicopter conducts first UK Sea Venom live guided firing
2024年10月10日 · The Sea Venom, with its coastal suppression ability, stands apart from legacy semi-active radar-guided missiles by employing an imaging infrared seeker that allows for ‘fire-and-forget’ operations. Equipped with a 30kg-class warhead, the missile can reach targets up to approximately 20km away.
Watch Test Of Navy’s £1bn Sea Venom Missiles Which Can …
2024年10月9日 · Sea Venom is the latest weapon to be developed, replacing the Sea Skua which went out of service in 2017. This modern anti-ship missile can engage targets from safe distances of up to 20km and has a 30kg warhead. It offers a variety of different flight profiles – including sea skimming – and can be fired in a salvo.
France and UK welcome test firing of anti-ship missile
The lightweight anti-ship missile, known as Sea Venom, was test fired on 20 February, marking a major step towards the commissioning of a new anti-ship capability in the French Navy and Royal Navy.
Royal Navy Wildcat Helicopters Successfully Test Sea Venom …
2024年10月10日 · The Sea Venom’s combination of power, range, and precision will play a vital role in the Royal Navy’s operations, providing critical support to both surface ships and carrier strike groups. With this new capability, the Wildcat helicopters can now tackle larger adversaries, improving the overall combat readiness of the fleet.
The Royal Navy Successfully Test Fires New Anti-Ship Sea Venom …
2024年10月10日 · The Royal Navy has now completed the first guided firing of the anti-ship Sea Venom missile – which packs ten times the punch of Martlet, with the design of destroying more heavily armoured ships – on a target vessel at the Aberporth range in Wales.
MBDA completes qualification firing trials of the Sea Venom…
2020年11月26日 · The Sea Venom/ANL anti-ship missile has completed its qualification firings trials, with a successful final firing at the French Armament General Directorate (DGA) test site at Ile du Levant on 17 November.