Consortium - SEAD
Interface Demography – VUB Interface Demography is a research centre connected to the Sociology Department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, with a strong expertise in both demographic and sociologic research.
SEAD Platform Survey - Vrije Universiteit Brussel - researchportal.vub…
The SEAD Platform Survey is a cross-sectional internet survey, designed to investigate the socio-demographic characteristics, work- and employment conditions, health and well-being, social protection, income (security) and career prospects of workers in the Belgian platform economy.
SEAD Concluding Symposium: Digitalisation and the world of - VUB
2024年4月22日 · On Monday the 6th of May 2024 in the afternoon, the SEAD consortium organises a concluding symposium as the culmination of four years of research on digitalisation in the Belgian labour market and the associated opportunities and threats for sustainable work.
Results and press | SEAD
Concluding symposium “Digitalisation and the world of work: the effects on jobs, occupations and workers.” VUB, Brussels, 6 May 2024. REGISTRATION OPEN NOW.
SEAD: Sustainable employment in the age of digitalisation:
The central objective of this project is to assess the potential for sustainable employment in the digital area, by identifying challenges, obstacles and opportunities in growing and changing labour market niches – with special attention for inspiring policy answers aimed at optimizing opportunities and limiting vulnerability.
Webinar - SEAD
Webinar: Digitalisation and the world of work. On Thursday the 22nd of April a webinar on automation, workplace innovation, the platform economy and the social protection of workers in the digital age was held. 1. The economics of automation: how wil digitalisation affect the Belgian labour market? (PDF) Nick Deschacht. 2.
Research project SEAD (BRAIN-be program) - ULB
More specifically, the SEAD project aims to study: developments in the structure of the Belgian labour market and the changing composition of professional tasks in recent decades; the processes and effects of professional changes linked to technological innovation on the Belgian labour market in terms of skill requirements, work content and job ...
BRAIN-be: projet de recherche SEAD - ULB - ULB - UNIVERSITÉ …
L'objectif principal du projet SEAD est d'évaluer le potentiel de travail et d'emploi durables à l'ère numérique, en identifiant les défis, les obstacles et les opportunités dans des segments nouveaux et changeants du marché du travail.
Sustainable Employment in the Age of Digitalisation: challenges ...
Sustainable Employment in the Age of Digitalisation: Sustainable work and changing occupations, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, BRISPO. < https://sead.be/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Doms-2024.pdf >
SEAD Concluding Symposium: Digitalisation and the world of work - VUB
On Monday the 6th of May 2024 in the afternoon, the SEAD consortium organises a concluding symposium as the culmination of four years of research on digitalisation in the Belgian labour market and the associated opportunities and threats for sustainable work.