Black Anthill Lab | Grounded Wiki | Fandom
The Black Anthill Lab is one of the many Ominent labs strewn across the Backyard. The lab itself is located deep within the Black Anthill and is split into two sectors, Sector A and Sector B. You must gain access to Sector A with the use of an explosive, and gain access to Sector B by going...
How To Gain Clearance To Sector B | Grounded Black Ant Lab Part 2
In this video, we will see how to gain access to Sector B in the Black Ant Lab of the Grounded game. #Grounded #BlackAntLab #SectorB.
Grounded:Investigate the Black Ant Lab - Grounded Guide - IGN
Exit the room via the Sector B door, located at the end of the room behind the clearance terminal, and you find yourself in another cavern with two paths forward, both lit by mold stalks.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Alternative Routes to Sector B
2020年4月16日 · Sector B is locked down tight and it is difficult to get product back and forth. This becomes especially annoying once your clients become hungry for product. However, the tasks to locate alternative routes 1 and 2 will come up long before your …
Grounded Guide Gain Clearance to Sector B - YouTube
2024年5月1日 · Watch as we reveal tips and tricks to safely and successfully access the lab, enhancing your survival strategy in this backyard adventure. Make sure to hit that like button, subscribe, and ring the...
Sector B Coolant Reserve - Half-Life Wiki
Sector B Coolant Reserve[2][3] is one of the seven main sectors of the Black Mesa Research Facility. Connected to the Blue Line of the Black Mesa Transit System,[3] it is first seen by Gordon Freeman when he escapes from Sector C during Half-Life, and seen again by Barney Calhoun during the tram...
Sector B - Combine OverWiki, the original Half-Life wiki and …
Sector B, referred to as Sector B Coolant Reserve, is one of the seven main Sectors of the Black Mesa Research Facility. It is connected to the Blue Line of the Black Mesa Transit System.
Sector B (Base) - The Liminal Rooms Wiki
Sector B is the 3rd sector currently existing in-game. It can be accessed by going through the white glowing door upon entering A-800. It contains every Sector B entity, as well introducing a new shopkeeper called George, which resides in the Lobby.
Sectors - Innovation Labs Wiki | Fandom
Sectors are a way of classifying zones of the Lab. Sector A is the spawn of all players to the corridor with the canteen and Sector B. Sector B is the food labs portion of the laboratory. Sector C is the current home of the Genetics lab, it contains the mutator. Sector D is the Advanced Biolabs it contains the cloner.
Salvation City | DayZ Origins Wiki | Fandom
Salvation City, also known as (Sector B) the last human standing city where the elites and the rich still live, far away from the infected, protected by high walls and the worlds top trained elite mercenaries. - High skilled mercenaries to protect their inhabitants - …