SED KT88 - Vacuum Tubes Manufactured in St Petersburg, Russia
The SED KT88 is a glass envelope beam power tetrode and is manufactured at the SED Spb factory in St PEtersburg, Russia. It is intended for audio frequency amplification and close manufacturing specification tolerances and improved processing ensure reliability and superior sonic performance.
SED KT88 Svetlana winged -C- / Russia - Tube Amp Doctor
Product information "SED KT88 Svetlana winged -C- / Russia" the good old "winged C" made in St. Petersburg factory till 2012. a rare find of a modern classic. all later makes are not made by Svetlana Electron Devices (SED) in St. Petersburg but at Reflektor factory in Saratov in same factory as Sovtek, Electro Harmonix etc.
Sound of SED Winged C KT88 vs. SED Winged C 6550's
2010年3月6日 · SED winged C KT88 are more dynamic and have a little more bass than their softer sounding SED 6550. I preferred the KT88 myself and found the SED 6550 a little too laid back in my system. They definitely sound different, although not in a big way.
The new KT88 features greatly enhanced sonic performance: Increased peak cathode emission from new cathode materials; Stable operation from extended processing and aging; Gold-plated grid; New tri-plate anode; Single-piece beam forming electrode;
Pair SED Winged =(C)= KT88 Vacuum Tubes - Reverb
Mullard KT88 Power Tube, Matched Pair with FREE 24-Hour Burn-In. New with Full Warranty!
Vintage WINGED C SED KT-88 Electron Tube in Box - Reverb
Vintage WINGED C SED KT-88 Electron Tube in Box - Made in St Petersberg, Russia - PV Music Inspected and Tested - Excellent Working Condition
NOS Svetlana SED Winged C 6550/KT88 tube - Reverb
Your purchases help youth music programs get the gear they need to make music. For sale is one NOS Svetlana SED Winged C 6550 tube, stamped OTK60. Made in Russia - St. Petersburg. I bought this brand new and just never used it. I'd planned to get a THD Univalve to use this in, but that never materialized and it's just been sitting in my studio.
SED/Winged-C KT88 - Tubes for Amps
Used by McIntosh in their legendary MC2000 tube amp, SED KT88 is the top choice for audiophile application. The SED KT88 provides smooth mids, warmth and clarity with full bass response. Very well constructed excellent KT88. Price is for a matching pair.
KT88 for mc275. -SED Winged C or Gold Lion - audiokarma.org
2019年2月26日 · Sounded sharp and shallow for the first few hours but nothing like the long run in time I've seen online. I have an original 275 that's been restored by a premier tech. I've tried most major brands of KT-88's & 6550's. I've discovered if I really want to alter the sound & characteristics I roll the small signal tubes.
Identifying Svetlana KT88 tubes - diyAudio
2017年4月22日 · SED tubes were not always (or usually IIRC) marked with the Winged C of later Svetlana tubes sold here and elsewhere. I had a brief association with SED in the late 1990s, early 2000s and designed a 300B PP monoblock amplifier that was featured in VTV and in one of their app notes using their SV300B.