Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (esr) of 2! is this normal?
Its on high rate what i do Hi I am 19 years old i just done my blood test the result is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (esr) is high its on 60 which medican I do need ? What do these blood tests indicate? Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and c-reactive protein ESR is 21 and the c-reactive is 0.6
what does a 2 sed rate/westergren mean? - HealthTap
2018年8月28日 · The sed rate is a rough measurement of inflammation. Dr Davis agreed. Answered . 8/28/20184.9k. views ...
What number is considered a low sed rate. mine is 6?
2013年2月16日 · How low can your heart rate be before getting ablation surgery for a high number of PVCs? What food is important to eat and not eat if you have a low number of platelates? My small sister has had this sickness for 4 years and she is 6. Help What cause your whiteblood count to be low is bad number to have 2.8? How does france have a low obesity ...
what is a normal esr/sed rate in a child? | HealthTap
2016年10月4日 · See below: Term infant 0-4 mm/hr child 4-20 mm/hr adult (male) 1-15 mm/hr adult (female) 1-20 mm/hr.
increased sed rate and fatigue - HealthTap
Symptoms fatigue / headaches/ malaise. work up 2008 negative except elevated crp now elevated crp 2.73, sed rate 22, ana positive speck 1:40, ch50>60? A doctor has provided 1 answer A member asked:
why do i feel joint pain if my sed rate is normal? - HealthTap
2015年5月20日 · Secondly, the sed rate is not the most sensitive measure of inflammation. The c-reactive protein is a measure that responds more readily to the presence and absence of inflammation for any reason. Answered 5/20/2015
Is it normal for crp and sed rate to be slightly elevated ... - HealthTap
2014年7月4日 · 100.2 Fever for 3 months in afternoons, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes & elevated lymph count, RBC and differentials normal. ANA 1:320 speckled (t1d and post thyroid cancer) All other tests normal, metabolic panel, sed rate, CRP, etc.
sed rate 45 - HealthTap
is a sed rate of 45 considered high? i have widespread aches and pains!: Not diagnostic: The sed rate is a weak adjunct to a rheumatologist's h
sed rate and cancer - HealthTap
Does a high sed rate and low rbc indicate cancer? i do have positive ana/speckled 1;640. upper back pain for one year. mri ok 4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers A member asked:
sed rate levels chart - HealthTap
What does a high alp level of 168 and a alb of 3.1 along with a sed rate of 36 and a wbc 10.8, mcv 76.2, mch 24.5, mchc 32.2, rdw 16.3 mean? A doctor has provided 1 answer A member asked: