Seiseki Abe - Wikipedia
Seiseki Abe (阿部醒石, Abe Seiseki) (April 26, 1915 – May 18, 2011, Osaka, Japan) was a Japanese shodo and aikido teacher who had a unique relationship with aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba, being both his student in aikido and his teacher in calligraphy.
Aikido Shihan Seiseki Abe – Meeting Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei
Seiseki Abe, Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba's student and calligraphy teacher, recounts their first meeting at Bansen Tanaka's dojo in Osaka in 1952.
Seiseki Abe Shodo: Aikido - USAdojo.com
2011年5月18日 · Seiseki Abe Sensei is one of Japan’s foremost masters of calligraphy (shodo) and Aikido. Born in 1915, Abe Sensei began to practice calligraphy in 1934 when he was 19 years old. He was introduced to calligraphy by his father, who had taught it …
Interview with Seiseki Abe (2), by Stanley Pranin - Aikido
2011年11月6日 · Sensei, you are well known as a master calligrapher. How was it that you started down “the path of the brush?” I used to be a school teacher, first at the elementary school level, then at a girls’ school, and then at the junior and senior high school and university levels.
Interview with Seiseki Abe (1) by Stanley Pranin - Aikido
2015年4月14日 · Standing: Seiseki Abe, Yoshitaka Inoue (nephew of Morihei), and the Founder at Kumano Juku Dojo in Shingu c. 1954. I first met Ueshiba Sensei at the Osaka Dojo of Bansen Tanaka Sensei. At that time I had no idea that it was the opening ceremony for the dojo. I was just passing by when I suddenly noticed a sign that read Morihei Ueshiba.
New York Aikido Center - Aikido Training
Seiseki Abe Sensei is a calligraphy master, a noted scholar and Japanese National Treasure, and was a direct student of the founder of Aikido. In the traditional manner, he built a dojo for his teacher just next door to his own home.
SEISHIN NO KI: “Pure Heart is Ki” by Seiseki Abe Sensei. Seishinjuku Dojo, an Aikikai affiliate dojo in Los Angeles, CA, USA, serves as the headquarters of the . The dojo focuses on the practice of Aikido, complemented by training in the Japanese sword (bokken) and staff (Jo).
Grognards: Interview with Seiseki Abe
Abe Sensei: Yes, I met Ueshiba Sensei before the war. Before World War II, a professor of medicine at Tokyo University, Kenzo Futaki Sensei, had organized a “Misogi-Kai” (a group for the practice of purification exercises).
Abe Seiseki Sensei Passes Away [Archive] - AikiWeb Aikido Forums
2011年5月20日 · Abe Seiseki sensei (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seiseki_Abe) has passed away on May 18th, 2011 at the age of 96. He was both a student of aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba as well as his calligraphy teacher. He was awarded 10th dan verbally by the founder, although the Aikikai only recognized him as 8th dan.
Seiseki Abe 阿部醒石 – Aikido Journal
(1915-18 May 2011). 8th dan Aikikai. Retired high school teacher and master calligrapher. Began training c. 1952. In addition to being a student of Morihei UESHIBA, Abe taught him calligraphy during the last years of the founder’s life. Verbally awarded 10th dan by …
Aikido Pioneers, Postwar Era
This expansive hardbound volume contains interviews with many of the closest postwar students of the founder of aikido. Edited from hundreds of hours of conversations conducted over a 30-year period by Stanley Pranin, this book features the aikido masters that …
Aikido and Me – Training with Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba
2016年2月6日 · I’m certain that I remember being taught Aikido by (Seiseki) Abe Sensei when I was in my third year at Kitano High School. Seiseki Abe, standing far left, with Morihei Ueshiba Kumano Juku, 1954. I was told “It’s not strength, it’s Ki”, and I thought that was quite mysterious. The round ukemi, silent like a cat, and so different from ...
Interview with Abe Sensei - AIKIJUKU DOJO
2002年10月5日 · On September 22, 2005 Abe Seiseki Sensei oversaw the official opening ceremonies of Aikijuku Dojo. The strength, experience, and love that Abe Sensei brought to this event was appreciated by all. The dojo is fortunate to enjoy Abe Sensei’s continued devotion to conveying Aikido and guidance of the dojo.
Haruo Matsuoka and Stanley Pranin Discussion Series: Part 1
2016年5月18日 · Pranin Sensei shares a story about meeting Seagal Sensei at the Iwama Dojo in 1979, highlights the special relationship between the founder and Seiseki Abe Sensei, and has a dialogue with Matsuoka Sensei about the controversial depiction of aikido in the feature films in which he appeared in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
About Aikido - AIKIJUKU DOJO
Pictured here is Seiseki Abe Sensei and Segal Sensei, the lead instructor at Aikijuku Dojo. Abe Sensei is the best friend and calligraphy instructor of the creator of Aikido, O Sensei. Segal Sensei was trained under Abe Sensei in Osaka, Japan.
Seiseki Abe - Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
Seiseki Abe (阿部醒石, Abe Seiseki) (April 26, 1915 – May 18, 2011, Osaka, Japan) was a Japanese shodo and aikido teacher who had a unique relationship with aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba, being both his student in aikido and his teacher in calligraphy.
About: Seiseki Abe - DBpedia Association
Seiseki Abe (阿部醒石, Abe Seiseki) (April 26, 1915 – May 18, 2011, Osaka, Japan) was a Japanese shodo and aikido teacher who had a unique relationship with aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba, being both his student in aikido and his teacher in calligraphy.
Entrevue avec Seïseki Abe – Budo no kokoro
2013年4月8日 · Le célèbre calligraphe et maître d’aïkido se souvient de ses expériences en tant qu’élève et professeur de Morihei Ueshiba. Sensei, vous êtes un maître calligraphe réputé. Comment avez-vous débuté votre parcours de la “voie du pinceau” ?
Seiseki Abe - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年1月1日 · Seiseki Abe (, Abe Seiseki) (April 26, 1915 May 18, 2011, Osaka, Japan) was a Japanese shodo and aikido teacher who had a unique relationship with aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba, being both his student in aikido and his teacher in calligraphy. He was introduced to the art of calligraphy by his
“Historical photo: Morihei Ueshiba, Aspiring Calligrapher ... - Aikido
2011年11月6日 · Beginning in the mid-1950s, Abe Sensei would give private lessons to Morihei when the Aikido Founder stay at his home in Osaka to teach aikido. During the last 15 years of his life, Morihei brushed hundreds of calligraphies, many for his students to …