SEKO | Global Leader in Chemical Dosing Pumps & Metering …
One of the world's leading chemical dosing pump manufacturers. We supply many systems for cleaning and hygiene, water treatment and industrial process markets.
Who-we-are - SEKO
Since 1976, SEKO's design and manufacturing expertise has delivered unrivalled chemical dosing precision, consistency and reliability to the water-treatment and cleaning and hygiene industries.
SEKO | Global Leader in Chemical Dosing Pumps & Metering …
SEKO is one of the world's leading chemical dosing pump manufacturers. Alongside a comprehensive range of peristaltic pumps, motor-driven pumps and solenoid dosing pumps, we supply metering systems, controllers and measurement and analysis solutions for the cleaning and hygiene, water treatment and industrial process markets.
SEKO-天津赛力斯自动化科技有限公司 - celiss.com
由机械和电子工程师组成多个跨学科团队,利用参数化交互式软件和新的设计成像软件,采用创新技术,优化成本、大幅缩减上市时间。 SEKO主要产品: 泵 电磁驱动泵、电机驱动泵、蠕动泵、双泵和三泵系统、多泵系统、定时给料 测量和分析:控制器 清洁和卫生
Welcome to the new SEKO website
SEKO is delighted to reveal the new SEKO.com website, a fitting digital home for a world-leading company where users can quickly and easily discover dedicated chemical-dosing solutions for applications within the cleaning and hygiene industry and water-treatment sectors.
美国SEKO是计量泵和计量系统制造商,拥有超过40年的经验。 从设计用于卫生和表面清洁的系统到用于人类消费的水处理系统,或用于冷却塔,游泳池和无数工业流程的系统,SEKO提供量身定制的解决方案,以满足任何特定需求,SEKO设计和制造电磁阀和电机驱动的 ...
Seko Chemical Dosing Pumps | Metering Pumps and Dispensers
SEKO pumps well known for accurate dosage of a widely used for industrial chemical pumping applications. Built in timer controller to dispensing of chemicals. Shop online for SEKO pumps from Cannon Water at a best price.
SEKO is a Certified Quality that develops entirely its production in Italy providing its customers with the best quality of the “Made in Italy”. The production is developed through the use of the very best raw materials and applying cutting-edge technological solutions to obtain ultra-safe products with extreme dependability and high ...
SEKO | AxFlow
Seko is a recognized manufacturer of dosing pumps and dosing systems, operating since 1976. With a commitment to providing optimal quality to its customers, Seko has developed a network of proximity through its local branches and/or its distribution network covering over …
Seko 成立1976年,总部位于意大利罗马,从事流体控制设备研发、生产及销售的欧洲领先企业,一直是计量泵及超过40年配料系统的显著制造商,从事计量泵和投药系统的生产和营销已有多年的历史,产品不断推陈出新,为投药、注射和流体输送提供了可靠的解决 ...