色狼 - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
官話 (拼音): sèláng (注音): ㄙㄜˋ ㄌㄤˊ 粵語 (粵拼): sik1 long4 閩南語 (泉漳話, 白話字): sek-lông / siak-lông
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色狼的解释|色狼的意思|汉典“色狼”词语的解释 - 漢典
色狼 色狼,是指一些对他人作出性骚扰的人。严重的性侵犯者则多称“色魔”。一般上“色狼”指程度较轻的,如言语上的性骚扰、非礼等。除了作为性罪犯的俗称外,色狼或色魔在日常用语中也常谐称好色之徒。
色狼 - Chinese Character Detail Page
Learn more details about 色狼 Chinese character and share your story, photos and comments about it. Also check out the example sentences for the character
Chinese Slang --- 色狼 color wolf - tingroom
2015年10月14日 · The phrase 色狼 (sèláng) literally translates as “color wolf”. This has no real meaning in English but most closely means “womanizer” or “sex maniac”. There is also a female version of this – 色女 (sènǚ), which can be used to refer to a femme fatale. To understand wher these phrases come from, we need to take a closer look at …
Selang - Wikipedia
Selang is a village in Sindhupalchok District in the Bagmati Zone of central Nepal. At the time of the 1991 Nepal census it had a population of 2356 and had 443 houses in the village.
selang - 马来文-华文字典 - Maksud | 意思翻译
eKamus 马来文字典 马来文-华文字典 | Kamus Melayu Cina | Malay Chinese Dictionary 马来成语与谚语词典 | Kamus Simpulan Bahasa dan Peribahasa | Malay Idioms Dictionary
Chinese Slang --- 色狼 color wolf - hujiang.com
2012年3月30日 · The phrase 色狼 (sèláng) literally translates as “color wolf”. This has no real meaning in English but most closely means “womanizer” or “sex maniac”. There is also a female version of this – 色女 (sènǚ), which can be used to refer to a femme fatale. To understand where these phrases come from, we need to take a closer look at …
Selang - 5th Edition SRD
The selang or dark satyrs are twisted and vicious fauns who have abandoned nature worship and instead venerate ancient gods of deep and malign intelligence. Selangs seek to help those evil gods enter the mortal world by opening dark portals and bridging a …
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