The Synergistic Effect of Serine with Selenocompounds on the …
We explored the synergistic effect of serine combined with several selenocompounds or used alone on the expression of selenoprotein P (SelP) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in this study. We first compared the SelP and GPx expression difference between HepG2 and Hela cells treated with serine and f …
2016年3月6日 · 我们首先比较了HepG2和丝氨酸处理的Hela细胞之间SelP和GPx表达的差异,最后选择了HepG2作为实验细胞。 在单独使用丝氨酸的实验中,建立了三种硒营养模型(低硒,足量硒和高硒),并以10倍梯度稀释(0.01至100μmol/ L)的浓度对丝氨酸进行了稀释。
Cell丨细胞表面 RNA 控制中性粒细胞的招募 - 知乎
中性粒细胞 糖类核糖核酸 主要位于细胞表面,对中性粒细胞与内皮细胞的相互作用非常重要,并能被 P 选择素 (Selp)识别。 敲除小鼠的 Sidt 基因 可消除中性粒细胞的糖类核糖核酸,并在功能上模拟细胞表面核糖核酸的缺失。 我们的数据证明了细胞表面糖类核糖核酸的生物学重要性,并强调了核糖核酸介导的细胞功能的一个非经典层面。 实验结果1. 中性粒细胞中存在细胞表面 RNA. 为了研究中性粒细胞是否含有细胞表面 RNA,作者首先检测了这些细胞中是否存在糖类 RNA。 …
Inhibition of selenium supply function of selenoprotein p through ...
In the present study, we demonstrate that sulforaphane covalently modifies selenocysteine/cysteine residues of SeP using an acidic biotin PAEC 5 maleimide labeling assay, which allows for focused-labeling of selenocysteine residues.
Mol Cancer丨刘超/胡钦勇/岳金波团队揭示宫颈癌中SELP+TEC …
2025年2月25日 · 该研究深入探索了P-selectin(SELP)在肿瘤内皮细胞(Tumor endothelial cell, TECs)中的作用,通过临床数据、单细胞RNA测序(scRNA-seq) 、空间转录组及bulk RNA-seq数据,揭示了SELP+TEC与CD8+ T细胞之间通过ACKR1-CCL5轴的相互作用在增强放疗效果中 …
Protective Action of Se-Supplement Against Acute Alcoholism Is ...
2016年6月22日 · Selenoprotein P (SelP) is a glycoprotein secreted within the liver, which interacts with cytokines and the growth factor pathway to provide protection for hepatic cells. The present study was conducted to confirm the effect and mechanism of Se and SelP action in livers affected by acute alcoholism.
Limma: Contrasts with interaction term
The G2 contrast tests for DE between SelP and SelN for G2 cells at day 0; similarly, the G2215 contrast tests for DE between SelP and SelN for G2215 cells at day 0. The diff1 contrast tests for differences in the SelP / SelN log-fold changes between G2 and G2215 cells - again, at day 0.
SelP concentration produced from HepG2 cell treated with 1 μmol/L serine was higher than that from Hela cell (Fig.1a).GPxconcentrationproducedfromHepG2celltreat-
Design of Silk-Elastin-Like Protein Nanoparticle Systems with ...
2019年11月12日 · The results indicated that SELP-based nanoparticles provide a useful approach to study and develop transmucosal protein drug delivery system with unique mucoadhesive properties. Future studies will serve to further expand the range of achievable properties, as well as the utilization of SELPs to fabricate mucoadhesive materials for …
选择素 P(SELP)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
该基因编码一种 140 kDa 的蛋白质,该蛋白质储存在血小板的 α 颗粒和内皮细胞的 Weibel-Palade 体中。 这种蛋白质在血小板活化和脱颗粒过程中重新分布到质膜,并介导活化的内皮细胞或血小板与白细胞的相互作用。 膜蛋白是一种钙依赖性受体,可与中性粒细胞和单核细胞上唾液酸化形式的 Lewis 血型碳水化合物抗原结合。 可能会出现替代剪接变体,但没有很好的记录。 [RefSeq 提供,2008 年 7 月] This gene encodes a 140 kDa protein that is stored in the alpha-granules of …