扒一扒拉曼那点事儿——拉曼的联用技术 - 知乎
拉曼技术在分子级别上提供样品的化学结构、组分信息;而 SEM 可在纳米尺度上提供高空间分辨率的形貌图像;将以上技术联用,使用 SEM 观察样品形貌,并为拉曼选择测样点,用拉曼得到样品化学结构与组分。
inLux™ SEM Raman interface - Renishaw
The inLux™ SEM Raman interface is the easiest way to collect correlated scanning electron microscope (SEM) images and Raman spectroscopy data, making it a powerful tool for you to conduct detailed sample analysis.
RISE – Raman-SEM Microscopes - Oxford Instruments
RISE Microscopy is a correlative microscopy technique that combines scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal Raman Imaging. RISE microscopy links ultra-structural surface properties to molecular compound information by shuttling the sample between two measuring positions within the vacuum chamber.
Raman-in-SEM, a multimodal and multiscale analytical tool: …
2014年12月1日 · This paper documents the metrological performance of the SEMSCA commercial Raman interface operated in a low vacuum SEM. It provides multiscale and multimodal analyses as Raman/EDS, Raman/cathodoluminescence or Raman/STEM (STEM: scanning transmission electron microscopy) as well as Raman spectroscopy on nanomaterials.
Correlative Raman imaging and scanning electron microscopy for …
2023年10月18日 · Fortunately, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) can well compensate for the small depth of field and low spatial resolution of Raman microscopy, achieving high-resolution surface morphological images. SEM has two basic and commonly used signals, secondary electron (SE) and back-scattered electron (BSE).
Single-particle analysis of micro/nanoplastics by SEM-Raman …
2022年11月1日 · Recently, SEM coupled with Raman spectroscopy (SEM-Raman) has been recognized as an advanced technique for rapid material analysis due to simultaneously acquiring both SEM image and Raman spectra [35], which also providing a powerful tool to identify single MNPs even at the nanoscale.
RISE Microscopy imaging technique combines Raman spectroscopy with a confocal microscope. In confocal Raman imaging mode the sample is scanned point-by-point and lin -by-line, and only information from the focal plane reaches the detector. In …
RISE – Raman-SEM 联用显微镜 - WITec Raman Imaging - 牛津仪器
RISE 显微镜是一款新型联用显微镜,它将 SEM 和共聚焦拉曼成像结合在一起。 通过 RISE 显微镜,可以将超微结构表面特性与分子化合物信息关联起来。 RISE 显微镜将 SEM 和 alpha300 共聚焦拉曼成像显微镜的所有功能集成到一台仪器: 在拉曼和 SEM 测量之间快速 ...
TESCAN电镜-拉曼一体化系统(RISE显微镜)是一种集成了扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和共聚焦拉曼成像(Raman Imaging)技术的先进显微分析工具。 该系统能够提供一个集成的分析平台,用于对样品的微观结构、化学成分和分子组成进行综合表征,从而为科研和工业分析提供更为全面和深入的信息。 RISE显微镜的核心优势在于其能够同时获取样品的2D、3D图像,以及样品中分子化合物组成的可视化分布结果。 这得益于其特有的平行轴设计,能够确保样品台在电子束和激光 …
(PDF) Raman-in-SEM, a multimodal and multiscale analytical tool ...
2014年12月1日 · The availability of Raman spectroscopy in a powerful analytical scanning electron microscope (SEM) allows morphological, elemental, chemical, physical and electronic analysis without moving...